DukeNukemForever: Funny, the same question I ask myself at the moment. I'm highly interested in Oddworld Stranger's Wrath, but my research shows that it will not run on my old desktop and not very likely on my notebook (known problems with Intel HD Graphics). At the end of the month the game will be re-released as a HD-Version for the console and three months later for the pc, maybe this update will fix some problems for HD graphics cards. Should I wait if GOG will release it or maybe update the current version (it seems the Oddbox versions get a free update)? Should I give the actual version a try or should I wait for a sale after also the last missing game from the Oddbox is released here? We are talking about a 5$ and it's a good chance to clear my wishlist (used this week to clear it and keep only highly wanted games).
So many questions and hard decision. Unfortunately I know myself and at the end of sale I will buy for the godsake of wishlist clearance and as a challenge to get it runable on my system.
I got it run on a
AMD 2400+ Single Core
1 Gig RAM
nVidia GeoForce 7300GT 512 MB
Win XP SP3 32 bit
You're going to have to play around with a video option because one of the options that seems like you should be able to use makes the textures too rich and thick and the game will slow down to a crawl.
I forget which switch I flipped but when I found the right one the game ran perfectly on my system.
I have the Steam version.
DukeNukemForever: Funny, the same question I ask myself at the moment. I'm highly interested in Oddworld Stranger's Wrath, but my research shows that it will not run on my old desktop and not very likely on my notebook (known problems with Intel HD Graphics).
Leroux: I took the gamble and got the Oddboxx for 3 or 4 euros on Steam when it was on sale recently, with the intention to buy the DRM-free version from GOG in case it worked and in case I liked it. That was a price I was willing to accept for a blind purchase, especially since it would also allow me to test the performance of Munch's Oddysse. I guess with 5 euros or more for one game I'd already be very disappointed if it didn't work. I'd rather watch a disappointing movie for that price. Then at least I can discuss what I payed for with other spectators. ;)
Anyway, regarding Stranger's Wrath, even if I run it at the lowest resolution (ugly 640x480) it doesn't really run smooth yet on my machine. It's playable but not much fun, so I'll skip it unti I get a new graphic card or computer somewhen in the future. My PC is from 2007 with an AMD Athlon64 dual-core processor 2,1 GHz, 4 GB RAM and an integrated GeForce 7300LE video card, if that's of any use to you.
Yup, keep playing with the video options.
Is an LE stronger than a GT?