AlKim: This vaguely reminds me of the Porsche Cayenne SUV. The Internet went apeshit when that was first announced, but Porsche went on with the idea anyway. It didn't stop them developing sports cars, and in fact the Cayenne has been such a commercial success that I wouldn't be at all surprised if some of the profits get filtered down to sports car development.
Didn't Lamborghini also make some Hummer-like jeep? At least I recall driving such a car... in "4D Sports: Driving" (aka "Stunts!") game, IIRC.
In my opinion, what GOG misses the most, even more than old DOS games, are semi-new AAA tiles. Games like Far Cry 2, the Riddick game, the newer Prince of Persia games etc., they are the cream of the crop for me in GOG. So what we really need here are more Hitman games, more Tomb Raider games, more AssCreed games, more more more...
I couldn't care less if some were silly enough to already buy them from Steam. That's your problem. The only solution for that is that you stop buying games from Steam, if it pains you so much to see the same games also here.