Posted December 14, 2013
Is there any chance that the good old tactical first person RPG "Wheel of Time", published by Atari with the Unreal Engine 1 in 1999 could be ported to Windows 7 and 8? EA tried to use the "A Wheel of Time" license for a mobile game in 2006 and then abandoned the studio working on it with a kickstarter campaign. After the campaign totally failed there is nothing heared of it again (besides the book series still being released as a more popular series within the circles of real fantasy fans and collectors).
After the author died in September of 2007 there were rumors about a last book being made while the author was allready ill and fighting with an aging desease called Amyloidose. The last book in the universe of "A Wheel of Time" was released this year and closed the saga. I can fully understand that this book is the last thing we see of this series and universe, if his widow wants it to be that way - as far as i know he gave her all the rights to this name, books and universe.
But there must be a chance to revitalize the old PC game, since it was slightly flawed before being patched later - even partly by the small community who loved the game dearly - but one of the best and maybe even the first tactical 3D first person fantasy games on PC with no doubt about it.
After the author died in September of 2007 there were rumors about a last book being made while the author was allready ill and fighting with an aging desease called Amyloidose. The last book in the universe of "A Wheel of Time" was released this year and closed the saga. I can fully understand that this book is the last thing we see of this series and universe, if his widow wants it to be that way - as far as i know he gave her all the rights to this name, books and universe.
But there must be a chance to revitalize the old PC game, since it was slightly flawed before being patched later - even partly by the small community who loved the game dearly - but one of the best and maybe even the first tactical 3D first person fantasy games on PC with no doubt about it.
Post edited December 14, 2013 by Skadisson
This question / problem has been solved by ZapMcRaygunn