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Tough question to answer as my favortie game varies with my mood. I can say I have three that vie for the title:

Wizardry 8. Recently released on GOG, but I still play from the disk. Easily my favorite RPG. I like party based games and turn based combat, which this game has. I like the balanced variety of races and classes, the fact that there is no 'optimal' way to build a character as you can follow multiple paths of development. The story is decent, but it's the aforementioned balance that allows me to play with different party builds over and over again.

Sid Meier's Pirates!. The remade version, circa 2005, not the original. Like Wiz8, I still play this game from disc. This is my favorite 'casual' game. When I don't want to commit a lot of time to a game (say, more than three hours), I just pop this game in and go marauding. I like the color palette of the graphics, the music, and, of course, the gameplay. In spite of the fact that I usually play as a crazy pirate fighting all except one nation (so I can marry a governor's daughter if I choose to) there's something about the game that really puts me at ease. Just a great, easy escapist game.

Conquest of the New World. My favorite TBS and the game that actually brought me to GOG. The graphics are ridiculously dated, but I have yet to play a TBS with the same level of customization and, hence, replayability as this game. The closest I've encountered was Eador: Genesis. I really like the exploration aspect of the game (you can name mountains and rivers that you discover, so when I played multiplayer I would name my discoveries "Mount *name* Smells Bicycle Seats and such), and the resource management. Again, there's a great balance to this game and the AI is actually challenging without feeling like it cheats.

So, there you have it.
In the more modern era (or what i call the modern gaming era!), it has to be Stalker Shadow Of Chernobyl. When i first started playing the game i got a shock - the very first mission - basically a shoot out with 7 or 8 bandits in a broken down farmstead - was tougher than almost any mission in any other game i had ever played before. The enemy AI was way in advance of anything i had ever experienced. Even though i bit the dust perhaps 10 times before i started to get a feel for the way the game played it was totally thrilling to finally play a game where i didn't stroll through dropping enemies left, right and centre with assured ease. I truly felt very vulnerable creeping around the corners of buildings and when i finally got the hang of it i felt a great sense of accomplishment at being able to handle that first mission without dying. The game just got better and better from thereon in... The atmosphere, too, is second to none. The weather effects (especially the sound), the realtime lighting and shadowing (which is awesome during a storm in the almost pitch black night) and the moody ambient music combine to create a sort of beautiful but creeping dread.

Before that 'era' it was all console gaming for me - favourites would have been; Shadowman on the N64 - one of the most creepy and atmospheric games i have ever played with brilliant music (have had a few nightmarish dreams about being in that world!); Star Wars Racer on the N64 - completely overlooked by most racer fans but once you get used to the physics they are truly beautiful imo and way better than most other wipeout style clones; Metroid Prime on the Gamecube - just a mind-blowing game when it first came out - some of the best boss battles ever.
Game that captured my imagination the most: Arcanum
Game I played the opening level of most: Deus Ex (I just loved that first level and then on up to Hong Kong. After that, downhill. But I played that Liberty Island over and over - stealth, agro, pacifist, left first, right first, take out everybody, sneak past everybody - sweet times.)
Game with the most hours period: Oblivion (Strange choice, I know. But with mods I learned to get into the numbers and maths of balance and pacing questions. And I spent literally years fooling with different combinations, testing, playing, ruining installations, etc. Until just this January I have got what I consider a perfectly paced and balanced game. Now I am playing through thte main quest and the mage's guild quests for the first time. So much fun!)
Honorable mentions: NetHanck, Civ IV, Torment, VTMB, Doom II (first modding experience!), Fallout 2, Blood Omen, Silent Hill 2.
Eador: Genesis Its a pretty new game, and I am a pretty old player, so its unusual for a new game to be the all time favourite. But I have almost played nothing else since the release, thats many months, probably close to a thousand hours, my business suffered! No game has ever motivated me this long at a time. And it kept getting more fun, simply incredible. I dont even have much to complain about it despite playing it so much, unlike about my next best games. I will play this game the rest of my life, I'm pretty sure.
Im so fskunig drunk, i dont know what imm doing... Good sunday !
I like videgames
Love ya all! Stay put (putput) for a drunk giveaway!!
Duke Nukem 3D. Had a great time playing this game when I was a kid.

Hail to the king baby
tinyE: OT
First place kicking the shit out of everyone WITHOUT Jeter so now comes the tough question, do you want him back?
Ha, I do want Jeter back but can do w/o the rest - Texeira, Youkilis (although these 2 came back yesterday), Granderson and especially Arod. I love the fact that the team is winning with many no names and players on the low end of the pay scale. Makes rooting for them so much more fun. Contrary to popular beliefs, not all Yankee fans like buying a championship and throwing gobs of money at FA's who crumble under pressure.
The best Yankees, er, at least my favorites are and have always been those who came up thru the system.
Post edited June 01, 2013 by Jeets2
Linkark07: Duke Nukem 3D. Had a great time playing this game when I was a kid.

Hail to the king baby
Can I ask how old? It's not a means to find out age difference it's just when you say "when I was a kid" I picture this six year old propped up at the computer trying to figure out what the alien was doing in the booth with the movie of the 'dancing lady'. :P
Post edited June 01, 2013 by tinyE
Persona 3. It was just something unlike anything I had played before, plus I have a thing for magical realism, joining the familiar with something extraordinary; and the game did do both things very well, the combat was great and always kept me on the edge of my seat, and the day-to-day activities in school and with friends were just as engaging. They could have gone the sunshine and rainbows route with the friendships where everything ends well but they didn't and I admire them for that, problems didn't just go away but you still felt like the characters had grown by the end and were at least more prepared to face these problems. Even after playing Persona 4 afterwards I'll always love 3 more.

Here on GOG? Probably Gemini Rue. I bought a gazillion games but haven't actually finished many and out of the ones I did that one probably stands on top. The story is pretty damn amazing and, for someone like me who kinda sucks at adventure games but for some reason keeps playing them, the puzzles were just right and made sense.
that would be Fallout 2... i love the setting in a post apo world with society broken into pieces, injustice ruling the wasteland but still having some great appropriate humour so it doesn't pretend to be serious-wannabe dump of save-the-universe crap
if only the first Fallout wouldn't be crashing so much, I'd say the same thing

there are also some other games worth mentioning when talking about favourites like Jagged Alliance 2, Gothic 1+2, Rome Total War, Europa 1400 the guild, Hidden and Dangerous 2 or Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven etc.
If I had to name one it would be Wonder Boy III: The Dragons Trap on SMS, though I admit I can't eloquently express why. It's the game which instantly pops to mind. I suppose a lot of the appeal is due to nostalgia but I maintain it's a great game in it's own right and the earliest example of a metroidvania I played. Very close second would be The Secret of Monkey Island.

On GOG it's a tough call between 5-6 games, but as I feel right now I'd say Planescape: Torment. I have a tendency to get really into whatever game I'm playing, but with this game it was different. The writing, artwork, music and just 'feel' of the game all combined to create (for me) an overall atmosphere which was/is incredible and it gripped me in a way no game had up to that point nor has any game since.

Honorable mention to ruin all my gamer cred: Guitar Hero. God I love it. I know I shouldn't. I want to play it right now.
Linkark07: Duke Nukem 3D. Had a great time playing this game when I was a kid.

Hail to the king baby
tinyE: Can I ask how old? It's not a means to find out age difference it's just when you say "when I was a kid" I picture this six year old propped up at the computer trying to figure out what the alien was doing in the booth with the movie of the 'dancing lady'. :P
Let's see... I think I was like six or seven years old when my dad brought Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition to my house.
ZapMcRaygunn: There are some newer games with a similar level of interactivity, but this was the first to really give you a whole living island to enjoy, and it feels more like a vacation than a game.
I have to ask also; what games?
Mutant Mudds. While I have played games that were mechanically way better, or had great stories(not much story in Mutant Mudds), no game on GOG has given me the sheer joy that this game has given me. As a matter of fact, it was the game I enjoyed the most in 2012 for numerous reasons. Also, the soundtrack is absolutely amazing :D
Favorite game ever? Silent Hill 2. Why? Because of the atmosphere, the sense of isolation, the wonderful deepness of the enviroment and openness to interpretation of everything, the sombre yet unsettling music, the tragic but still likeable characters (though they all irk me), the genius creature design. Silent Hill 2 just took everything I ever wanted from a game and wrapped it up in a package that fundamentally changed my outlook on life and the world around me. My only regret is that I hate saying those bastards at Konami are the ones who did it.

On GOG? The Cat Lady. Why? Despite some obviously BAD sound design in places, the game as a whole was solid, deep, and fascinating. Like SH2, the game changed how I viewed everything. Even now, knowing everything that can happen in the game, I still get sucked into it everytime I start it up.

For a game that didn't change me as a person, Morrowind. Morrowind was just all-around epic. It is truly what an open-world rpg should be. Literally the only complaint I've ever had about it is that the hit/miss percentage makes leveling marksman near impossible.