Zacron: Then how does steam make any money at all? They may give unlimited Keys, but they still make profit from every sale.
Rincewind81: Profit from every Steam sale. They dont get anything if the Steam Key was bought from GMG, Gamersgate or elsewhere.
I cited a statement from Newell in my last post:
If it’s sold through retail, or if it’s sold through a developer’s website or it’s sold through Origin or Direct2Drive, then we don’t take anything.
We’re only generating money when we’re directly contributing to a sale. Our tools and services are free to use, regardless of distribution channel.
A great way to expand your own Userbase, but the potential userbase is not endless...
I wonder if Steam might start charging developers a small fee for keys purchased or obtained outside of Steam? Or maybe when users redeem a key on Steam, they pay a very small fee charged to their account (e.g. $0.10). I don't mean I want this to happen, and I doubt it will, but I wonder if it is a slight possibility.
If we look at the past few years, places like Amazon, GMG, GamersGate, etc. have matched or sometimes exceeded Steam's sales. Steam still has great prices during sales (e.g. 75% off), but relative to other retailers the advantage is just not there. Steam should still benefit from having users on the platform, and making other purchases through Steam. However, it certainly seems possible that they have seen drops in their revenues, though I'm not sure how significant these would be.
But if developers get their keys for free from Steam, then those developers sell their keys through other retailers or directly themselves, there is a massive chunk of change that Valve isn't seeing.