Zoltan999: Hmm, everything I've heard and read says it's the 21rst. Either way, I'm hedging my bets, towards thinking I will still have to buy Christmas prezzies for my peeps
December 21, 2012 bevinator: There's some academic debate about how the Mayan Long Count lines up with the Gregorian. The most probable universe-explodium dates are thus the 21st or 23rd. Since the Mayans were all long gone before even the Spaniards arrived, it's basically just (precise) guesswork based on a variety of factors.
The thing about the Mayan calendar, the Mayan calendar is made up of 13 months instead of 12 months like the Gregorian one. Each month being 28 days, corresponding to the moon phases, so, it´s basicly an Earth synchronized calendar, not like the outrageous Gregorian one. But as every calendar, they end, won´t the 2012 calendar people have hanging in the kitchen end? the 2011 ended last year, did something happened?
The Mayan also being great astronomers as many old civilizations, supposedly calculated the time the solar system takes to turn around the galaxy, and a period that´s the one according to the people that researched the mayan calendar supposedly happening, that is the galaxy synchro pulse, a pulse that emanates from the galaxy core and synchronizes the galaxy, the beating of the galaxy´s heart according to the mayans....or to the people who researched the mayans, who knows :P.
So, resuming, nothing will end but a time cycle, but media loves the drama, so they throw in words like "apocalypsis" (by the way meaning "message" in latin) and such to scare some demographic and gain attention.