F1ach: I have a radeon, I would suggest get NVidia, a lot of games just plain hate radeon
OldFatGuy: Yes, this. This was my experience in a system for my son, and I haven't bought radeon since. And probably never will either. Usually when a company earns it's way onto my do not buy list, it stays there. Not always, but usually.
And through at least about a dozen different Nvidia cards over the years, never had the problems we had with that one Radeon card.
I´d say your information base is a bit outdated. Radeon drivers has evolved very nice and they won´t cast more problems as Geforces, as long as you don´t look at HighEnd Mobile-GPUs like the 7970m/R9 290m.
That was, in my case, even the main reason for picking a Geforce instead of a Radeon, as I´m a Notebook-User by hearth!
But, this doesn´t matter at this point, does it?
In general, the decision of Geforce vs. AMD is nowadays more an ideologist one than a rational one:
Do you believe in higher pricing for those Nvidia-exclusive features? Then you should pick up Geforce. Or do you believe in open features and nice priceing? Then you should pick up Radeon.
You don´t believe in exclusive features in general, but just WANT to have some of those exclusive Geforce-Feature?
Well, I think that one is easy and hard at the same time... :(