fisk0: Yeah, though I think that was true a few years ago, there seems to be a real prevalence for extremely crazy conspiracy theories all over the forums now. Lots of people seemingly in the same mindset as the Malmö serial killer and Oslo/Utøya mass murderer, all fueling each others theories in a massive echo chamber. But yes, if you google on specific topics you can still find the occasional bastion of sanity.
I've not visited the site for quite some time (I used to enjoy reading some of their discussions, even if there was more talk than substance most of the time, and some people had a very strange world view), but as the forum grew in size, it just became a haven for stupidity, and I stopped reading what was posted. There are probably quite a few intelligent people still there, but most of it felt like it was posted by teens who thought that they were deep & alternative because they dared to question society.
For those who have never visited the site: Imagine a serious 4chan. Same lack of moderation, same amount of general "stupidity", but instead of doing it "for the lulz" (as 4chaners like to say), a lot of people with extreme opinions try to have serious discussions there.
SheBear: I have to disagree with you on that one, I think the forums actually run surprisingly well without a ton(/really any) moderation. I like that it is almost a tiny experiment with an anarchist social model, and that it works so well (especially because the internet allows people to have almost zero real repercussions for their words and behavior).
GOG reminds me more of Nozick's "night watch state" than pure anarchy. There is still some moderators, but for the most part, it is self moderating.