I recommend the Icewind Dale games. I like them all, but Baldur's Gate is my least favorite. If you want something that plays like an adventure game, play Planescape: Torment. There are only a few adventure games I like, so I'm not a big fan of the genre, but Planescape: Torment is still an all-time favorite of mine even if it would have been classified as an adventure game.
As for the Fallout comparison, they're isometric, party-based games. You control the party members though even in the central hero games (Baldur's Gate and P:T), so none of that retard behavior from companions unless you tell them to fearlessly run to their imminent death even if you retreat or they stand in a door way to block you in. You also won't have that silly little bubble around the player character when walls get in the way of view. Also, the inventory is slightly better in Infinity Engine games IMO, unless you're used to playing with mods that make inventory management much better in the Fallout games. All that aside, the talking heads in the Fallout games were fantastic, and the whole setting and atmosphere was brilliant and interesting. The skills and perks were cool too.
As for combat, IE is real time with pause. It can be fine-tuned to pause when certain events happen so it's somewhat close to turn-based if you prefer that. I prefer Temple of Elemental Evil in this regard. Fallout, not so much even though it's turn-based. It's been a while since I played it, but I remember that it pretty much boiled down to get power armor for everyone, get perks that increases both chance and damage dealt by critical hits, shoot enemy in the eyes, and then hope no one suffers a rare critical hit from a super mutant wielding a mini-gun. Fallout Tactics is better if you're looking for combat, but I doubt that's the main draw for anyone wanting to play the Fallout games.
Lastly, Arcanum is not an Infinity Engine game but you still must play it if you liked Fallout.