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cynicalmatt: Quest For Infamy

New game from the guys who made the King's Quest III and Space Quest II VGA remakes, Infamous Adventures. Looks fantastic, and their work on the Sierra remakes has been stellar.
this is my third pledge :)
I don't want FPS to change, I want it to die.

<span class="bold">Dead State</span> now have a physical copy :
The Splendid Box: Deluxe Edition

It includes:

-A Large Collector’s Box for all the stuff.

-A DVD copy of the Game

-A CD of the Soundtrack

-The Special Edition Shirt

-The USB Bullet pre-loaded with the game

-The Signed Paperback of the Making of Dead State

-A Manual

-Collectible Game Merch, including an MMM,Bison! Kid’s Placemat, Splendid Police ID, a Splendid Evacuation Notice, Bargain Owl Mailer, Friggin Chikin Frequent Gorger’s Card, and more. (All sheets printed on high quality paper)

-A Signed Letter from the Devs.
Unfortunately, it start at the $350 tier (!)

Also, <span class="bold">Space Command</span> is heading the digital / international way :
Marc Zicree about 14 hours ago

As to the delivery method, DVD and Blu-ray with downloadable versions included are the models we're offering now, but we'll be continuing to explore these issues. Subtitles also certainly make sense and we're happy to do those as needed, depending on which nationalities support us.
Not DRM-free for now but it's better that not digital at all IMO.

And finally <span class="bold">Fallout : Nuka Break</span> just hit $120K.
Welcome MCA and Tim Cain !
Post edited June 12, 2012 by ArchonPC
Correction: you can get Dead State boxed for $250. It's just that if you pledge at $350 and above, you'll get the box included with whatever is indicated at that level.
ArchonPC: And finally <span class="bold">Fallout : Nuka Break</span> just hit $120K.
Welcome MCA and Tim Cain !
The first thing MCA and Tim need to do is to get rid of that guy with the goofy top hat.
Post edited June 12, 2012 by lowyhong
lowyhong: Correction: you can get Dead State boxed for $250. It's just that if you pledge at $350 and above, you'll get the box included with whatever is indicated at that level.
Uh... OK. I missed that the standalone tier for boxed copy was $250.
Truth is I never scroll down after $100 tiers :D
I hope they add a boxed version at a lower tier, otherwise I think I'll just wait until the game is done to get it.
Gonchi: I hope they add a boxed version at a lower tier, otherwise I think I'll just wait until the game is done to get it.
It would be better if you pledged, even just a little, because that way they get closer to stretch goals, which they have said they will start revealing once they're getting close to a new level of pledges. The only revealed stretch goal so far is the weapon pack, which I don't care too much about, but the later stretch goals might offer more interesting stuff (maybe additional quests for the game, more characters, who knows. Or maybe they can hire more staff and have the game out sooner). Besides, like they've said, the 15 dollar tier gets you the game for nearly half the price it will cost once the game is made. Of course, if you only want the game if you can get it boxed, then...I guess KS won't help you there. But maybe they've decided, that the only boxed versions go to those who pledged 250-350 dollars, and those copies aside, the game will only be sold in digital stores; that way the boxed copies will truly be collector's items. You never know what they might have decided :p

But anyway, like I said, if you really want the game, and a digital copy is fine (you ARE on GOG after all so it shouldn't be a problem), I think you should definitely pledge and help them raise as much money as they can. That way we, the gamers, benefit the most too.
Gonchi: I hope they add a boxed version at a lower tier, otherwise I think I'll just wait until the game is done to get it.
DProject: It would be better if you pledged, even just a little, because that way they get closer to stretch goals, which they have said they will start revealing once they're getting close to a new level of pledges. The only revealed stretch goal so far is the weapon pack, which I don't care too much about, but the later stretch goals might offer more interesting stuff (maybe additional quests for the game, more characters, who knows. Or maybe they can hire more staff and have the game out sooner). Besides, like they've said, the 15 dollar tier gets you the game for nearly half the price it will cost once the game is made. Of course, if you only want the game if you can get it boxed, then...I guess KS won't help you there. But maybe they've decided, that the only boxed versions go to those who pledged 250-350 dollars, and those copies aside, the game will only be sold in digital stores; that way the boxed copies will truly be collector's items. You never know what they might have decided :p

But anyway, like I said, if you really want the game, and a digital copy is fine (you ARE on GOG after all so it shouldn't be a problem), I think you should definitely pledge and help them raise as much money as they can. That way we, the gamers, benefit the most too.
I'm here primarily for getting legit digital backups for games I already own. I still vastly prefer physical copies.

I doubt Dead State will struggle to reach their goals. If they're planning to only do premium boxes for high backers and releasing the game for sale solely to digital stores, that's fine, I’ll just get it when it’s out, I have no interest in placing a year and a half pre-order for a digital copy.

A new Descent-like game that's coming of only about 4 games of this type (that are any good) in existence.
Gonchi: I'm here primarily for getting legit digital backups for games I already own. I still vastly prefer physical copies.

I doubt Dead State will struggle to reach their goals. If they're planning to only do premium boxes for high backers and releasing the game for sale solely to digital stores, that's fine, I’ll just get it when it’s out, I have no interest in placing a year and a half pre-order for a digital copy.
Fair enough. Explanation accepted.
YASCG (Yet Another Space Combat Game):

Black Space 2 (Jul 28) contrary to the KickTraq description this will be for PC as well as OSX/iOS

Those supporting the Traveller RPG kickstarter mentioned earlier may find the following of interest too:

&quot;Fat Cat&quot; Far Trader - Print Edition! (Jul 9)
On the fence with this one myself, but Sedition Wars (already listed) has been taking off like the proverbial bat out of hell (Kicktraq graphs) and has achieved several stretch goals in the process (including the option to purchase as extras transparent and glow-in-the-dark miniatures).

Anyone who played the boardgame Space Hulk or is a fan of the Alien films may wish to check it out.
Latest update on The Story of Flewn for anyone interested.
It has exceeded its funding goal (now at $36K).

Stretch goal to support PC and (most) Android Devices is at $40K.
Ahhh I knew about Sedition Wars on BGG but forgot to add it to the list. Good find AstralWanderer. I've also added Fat Cat Far Trader. I'll hold off adding Black Space 2 until I see some footage or additional gameplay details.
lowyhong: Ahhh I knew about Sedition Wars on BGG but forgot to add it to the list...
I thought I'd mentioned it before here and I hadn't - my bad! At least it still has a couple of weeks to go.
Smannesman: I will definitely not be giving any money to this.
Women in a fantasy medium are not realistic? OH MY CTHULHU!
The men aren't very realistic either, but most people play games to get away from reality.
Tropes has been massively overfunded, but as RockPaperShotgun notes, the project leader Anita Sarkeesian has been getting some pretty horrific abuse from various online retards. I wasn't going to bother with this initially, but anyone on the receiving end of that type of cr*p deserves support.
Post edited June 15, 2012 by AstralWanderer