Worlds of Magic , the self proclaimed successor of Master of Magic, has entered it's final 24 hour. Around 42k £ has been pledged so far (with KS and PayPal) with 7th faction and 20 additional creatures unlocked. If they reach 45k, 8th faction will be added and Mac & Linux versions will be available on release (instead of 6 months later). 50k seems unlikely but would unlock 9th and 10th faction. Shame modding toolset is at impossible 75k. Had this been on US KS, they probably would've reached that by now.
This is one of those Kickstarter projects you really should consider pledging additional 12£ (~19$/14€) (in addition to minimium 12£ level that gives you digital copy of the game) for all future WoM content as devs seem to plan lot of future DLC (more everything basically). You probably end up paying several times more for them otherwise.