Hi there, this is that
Arcana Agency person again. Many thanks to AstralWanderer and gandalf.nho for keeping updates posted here. I wanted to come by myself with an interesting bit of news:
http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1615043334/arcana-agency-the-thief-of-memories-a-full-color-g/posts/349315 This is a free "demo" of our gamebook. It's a prequel, really, and is completely self-contained. Download it, play it, admire the art, and spread it across the internet. If you want to see more, you can link up your play with Arcana Agency: The Thief of Memories if and when the latter is published. Take a look; I think you'll like what you read.
And if you do, then please consider pledging! Even if you can't, please show our
mini-gamebook "demo" to people you know.
We really hope we can succeed in bringing The Thief of Memories into the world. Thanks for reading!