HereForTheBeer: Similarly, why don't future sims have this stuff as a mechanic? Today, I can get GPS-based reminders on my phone but 250 years from now, when my lot in life is plying the spaceways as a trader, my ship doesn't have software to tell me the best in-system trades automatically, nor suggest good places to sell my goods? I can have video communication over a kajillion miles but can't get simple price updates without docking at the station? C'mon.
brianhutchison: Sounds like you should be playing the X-Universe series.
Not that I've managed to stick with an X game yet - keep trying but always get distracted.
I've started a bit in, umm, X2 I think it is (got the super-pack so I forgot which one I'm running : ) ), and I see that eventually I can acquire software for that stuff. Gonna take forever to get to that point, so in the meantime it's a matter of making manual notes with low-tech pen and paper, or by doing a station-by-station searches within any given system until I can scratch up the credits to buy the software and the satellites. But yeah, at least the series does something in that regard.
I'm really looking for games to start to treat memory similar to how we use it every day, in part where the engine simulates those "Oh, yeah!" moments, and also to keep us within that immersion. For certain, dropping away from the screen to look at my hand-written notes while playing a game based on future-tech, that's a distraction from immersion.