The only mods I have installed have been for Rome and Medieval 2 Total War, as well as the new Morrowind Overhaul 2.0 a couple of days ago.
For Rome I installed Rome Total Realism, Europa Barbarorum and the DarthMod, and I spent more than 500 hours on the first, it was unbelievable, the huge map made me want to start dancing, the units were great, but the others I didn't enjoy that much because of stability issues back then and because it was heavy for my system.
A couple of days ago I installed Third Age and Stainless Steel for Medieval 2 and they look like heaven, too bad I don't have the time to plunge into their campaigns.
Same for Morrowind, game looks superb with the Overhaul but I barely get 10 FPS on the outside areas which is annoying because my system is far stronger than the minimum requirements.