QC: I might have been here for that, what was the argument about again?
Elmofongo: It was in a SquereEnix Promo and gameon made Sacrifice related joke to Licurg and Licurg told gameon to die off and gameon extreme offense and is even more sad that the blues does not in someway held people who hurts others verbally accountable, AKA banning like how the Escapist does it.
As a matter of fact I am scared of Licurg seeing this thread, but my opinion of that incident is the prime example that GOG lost its classyness imo.
It is too bad, gameon left GOG. He is missing out on a lot of good stuff.
QC: I might have been here for that, what was the argument about again?
Telika: Licurg was manifesting too much hatred to Gameon, and was being generally a dick. Gameon felt it made the place creepy, and left. He's also one of those (decent) people who left because they don't like the local (lack of) moderation, and interpret it as gog passively supporting the nasties - a point I strongly disagree with (making me occasionally lose the e-friendship of said decent people)). The blue were, if I remember well, encouraging Gameon to be less sensitive about these things, and Gameon would have preferred them to step more clearly against Licurg.
That's how I remember things. It was like that ?
I think gameon was being too sensitive, after some thinking. This is the internet. When someone tells you to die off, it is just another way of saying "fuck you". And in life, you need be able to deal with people who are hostile to you. It is a part of being an adult, living in a world where there is some freedom. Taking away freedom of speech is not an option.