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As the topic says,
I am currently waiting on these games:
Mysteries of Westgate
Age of Decadence
Deus Ex 3
Thief 4
[]Slinter Cell: Conviction[/url]
[]Dragon Age:Origins[/url]
Aliens RPG
I think that's all I am waiting what about the rest of you?
Post edited December 15, 2008 by JudasIscariot
Any of the good old 4x games.
I'm waiting for Diablo 3, World of Diablo, and Wasteland 2.
I'm waiting for a new Lucasarts or Sierra adventure game.
Starcraft II and Diablo III. Seeing as i really doubt they will release Diablo III before 2010, if not 2011, i'm not sure if that can be called waiting.
Also i want to try some others, like
Mirrors Edge
Deus Ex 3
Empire: Total War (uh.. i doubt it will run on my PC, but still..)
Dragon Age: Origins
Alpha Protocol
If they do not get ratings like 60% max from like everybody, i'll give them a shot. If i can get my hands on them, like a demo or friend buying it. I don't want to buy them until i' know they are worth the money. So either i'm lucky, or i have to wait some years, till they are on GoG ;)
Depending on how far we look, a new Baldurs Gate/NWN game could be nice, too, or some PC version of some games like Fable II, Gears of War II, The Force Unleashed or, as i just released there are a lot of WipeOut versions for Playstation, a new WipeOut for PC.
Post edited December 15, 2008 by Aurion
Oh man, I cannot wait for Mirror's Edge, I remember when it was first announced and I was stoke, and then my heart broke a little when I saw it was coming out for PC in January.
Age of Decadence
I'm also waiting for someone to make a ToEE-like crawler, but I'm guessing that's like gazing out the window waiting for pigs to fly by.
I'm waiting for Tropico 3.
It'll be amazing.
Darkfall, BattleForge, Diablo 3, Alpha Protocol, Borderlands, Jumpgate Evolution, Mass Effect 2, Divinity 2, Sims 3, Dawn of War 2, Aliens Colonial Marines, Aliens RPG, Guild Wars 2, Prototype, Dragon Age, Deus Ex 3
Post edited December 16, 2008 by Nezabyte
Dragon Age and Star Wars: The Old Republic.
Beyond Good and Evil !
honorbuddy: Oh man, I cannot wait for Mirror's Edge, I remember when it was first announced and I was stoke, and then my heart broke a little when I saw it was coming out for PC in January.

You and me both brother. I bought it for the PS3 version and what do you know, my PS3's BD drive broke during the second level... :( And because my PS3 is a first generation model, repairs take ages...
Madworld, most definitely.
Age of Decadence - supposed to fill the gap left after the demise of Troika, so consider me interested.
Starcraft 2 - not much explanation needed.
Diablo 3 - didn't like Diablo 2, let's see whether the addition of Leon Boyarski will change that.
Fallout Online - in the unlikely event it will actually be finished AND won't be horrible.
The new X-COM game - in the unlikely event it does not represent a genre shift of a significant downgrade in quality.
Braid - waiting for the PC version so I can try it.
King's Bounty - Armored Princess - expansion pack to a great game, what's not to love?
Big Huge Games' RPG - if it has the same level of creativity and UI polish going into it as Rise of Legends had, it should be interesting at the very least.
Post edited December 16, 2008 by pkt-zer0
dragon age and maybe Diablo 3 to kill some time, but more than for those games I am waiting what GOG is going to serve us :)