jefequeso: To be perfectly honest, I can't see that happening. People have been predicting the fall of PC gaming due to new technologies for years now, and it has yet to even come close to happening. I see predictions like that the same way I see "end of the world" prophecies.
I don't think you can compare the silly predictions of death in the past, when PCs were still dominant in other areas, to the possibility of a future where the entire open-system PC industry is closed down in favor of closed personal devices. I can definitely see a possible future where tablets take over all typical PC business and personal tasks, making the desktop or even laptop PC something no one would want anymore. It might take 30 years, as I said, but I could see it happening.
Doesn't mean it will. As long as there is money to be made selling PC components they will still be made. I could definitely see the market shrinking to infinitely small levels though, given certain occurrences and the right amount of time.