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Because my income has taken a huge hit these last few months, I tend to only buy games on a good discount.
Game I have been looking forward to, and gets good reviews and good lets plays ~10-20% ($10 or less)
If I want the game but wont begin playing tonight 40%+ ($7 or less)
If it is one I like the look of 50%+ ($4 or less)
A game that sounds nice but no real urge 70%+ ($2 or less)
A game that might be good, but I would not normally play Free or bundled with a good few other games.

It is like Rouge Legacy the other day. I really want to play it, but at the price I just could not justify it to myself, as I wont probably have too much free time until Christmas because of work and University. A real shame, but the way life is right now.
I tend to buy more games in bundles because I get more for the price, even if most are games I have never heard of. I got Freedom Fall from Groupees a while back and I think it was my best purchase of the year.
The biggest problem is trying to buy DRM-free games at a reasonable price too.
Until the economy picks up (in reality, not just politicians heads) I have a very limited budget with which to buy things.
Post edited October 02, 2013 by 011284mm
It's depend on the game quality and whatever I consider its original price to be a fair deal.
On an emotional level, if I see 50% or more I say "good discount" and if I see less than 50% I say "bad discount," but it always ultimately comes down to price. According to what I just said, today's indie gem promotion should seem like a bad deal to me, but actually, $12 is about the price I'm willing to pay to try that game, so I picked it up. If the undiscounted game was $60, with a 50% discount, I wouldn't have touched it.
Post edited October 02, 2013 by BadDecissions
Maighstir: Percentages don't mean jack. I don't pay a percentage, I pay an amount of money. I couldn't care less about how many percent off a promo sets (or whether there's a promo running at all), as long as the current price is one I'm willing to pay for the product offered (and that in itself partially depends on my current mood).
Good point! Actually, I always take the lowest available price into consideration. For classics, it's basically always GOG as it's the only place to geht them. For all other games, I use and check the price history to find out the real base price.
Percentages don't matter. I think in $$$ and each game has a certain value in my eyes. If discount makes the final price lower than a number I see fit, it's good discount.
For example, PSN has "deep" sales but its base price for 5 years old game is high, so it doesn't even make me consider a purchase.

My breaking points: $10 for a game I'm interested in but unsure about ($5 for older), $20 for new-ish moderately interesting game, $2-3 for x-th copy of good game.
Post edited October 03, 2013 by Mivas
The price tag is actually more important than the discount for me. There's more chances I grab a AAA titles when it goes on a 75% discount while I buy a full priced indie on release. Overall a 60% discount after 1-2 years on occasional sales seems quite reasonable for me.
Licurg: 20% for a game I really want is more than enough. 50% for a game I'm not sure about . At least 60% for a game that looks bad and has bad reviews, but that I think might be good .
I'll go with this ^.

Really, any discount is good.

But considering that we're getting some $40 games (BitD price) for 25% of the original cost or less, there really isn't a whole lot to complain about with today's "full retail" prices. I mean, I'm enjoying the crap out of Deus Ex now - never played it way back when - and 10 bucks seems like a generous price for the 30+ hours of enjoyment I'll get from the first playthrough.
75% off and above.
50% or more is easily good enough for me, any lower than that and I might as well have just bought it full price in my mind.