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I stoled the thread from the Steam forum . :p

A little modification : You can list ( update / edit ) your purchases from any online or retail store .


A New Beginning - Final Cut ( GOG )
Deponia ( GOG )
Edna & Harvey: The Breakout + Harvey's New Eyes ( GOG )
The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav ( GOG )
Only GOG for now:

A new Beginning
Alan Wake
The Real Texas
Populous 1,2 and 3
Untill now:

From GoG:
Divine Divinity + DLC
Divinity II
Deus Ex + DE Invisible War
Heroes 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5
Heroes Chronicles
Legend of Grimrock
Might and magic 1-9
The Real Texas
Thief 1+2
Ultima 1-9
Ultima Underworld
The Witcher 1 + 2

From Steam:

The Bard's Tale
The Binding of Isaac
Deus Ex - Human Revolution
Fable - The Lost Chapters
Fallout 1 + 2 + Tactics
Shank 2
SW: KotOR 1 + 2
World of Goo
Post edited December 21, 2012 by mindblast
GOG: Bullfrog Pack (Didn't already own anything), The Real Texas
GamersGate: Zafehouse: Diaries (via IndieFort, but I'm giving away the rest), Grey Matter.
GetGames: Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Alpha Protocol.
Strategy First: Pathologic.
IndieGala: Edna & Harvey: The Breakout, Airline Tycoon 2000, The Whispered World, Cargo! The Quest For Gravity.
HumbleBundle: THQ Bundle, Amnesia Fortnight, Bundle 7
Steam: Endless Space (Emperor Edition), KOTOR2.

aaaand I think that's it... Yeah, buncha stuff.
Post edited December 25, 2012 by Gazoinks
THQ Humble Indie Bundle

Alan Wake
Alan Wake's American Nightmare
Deus Ex
Deus Ex Invisible War
Thief Gold
Thief 2
Thief Deadly Shadows
The Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena
The Witcher 2

Activated a back up copy of the first Witcher

Batman Arkham City

I plan on buy Humble Indie Bundle 7

Not sure what I will buy from steam. I bought Arkham City and Alan Wake in anticipation of playing them over Christmas break. Anachronox surprised me so hope to play that as well. I probably won't have a lot of time to play after break to play games so I don't how many if any games I will buy from steam and amazon. I would like Torchlight 2, Mark of the Ninja, Orcs Must Die! 2, and maybe Darksiders 2 but the time issue keeps nagging me.
So far for myself:

The Whispered World (Gamersgate)
Darksiders franchise pack (Amazon)
Post edited December 21, 2012 by Coelocanth

Gamer's Gate
3 out of the countdown indie fort bundles.
the Secret of Monkey Island 2 Special Edition
Age of Wonders
King of Dragon Pass
Master of Magic
Action Indie platformer bundle
Witcher 2
GOG: Inquisitor
Steam: Jade Empire (daily deal before the winter sale)
Gamersgate: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (Origin key)
Post edited December 21, 2012 by FFL2and3rocks
Gothic 1
Arx Fatalis
Dungeon Keeper 1
Populous 1
The Real Texas
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Defender's Quest
Tomb Raider 1-3
Giana Sisters
Mutant Mudds
Lords of the Realm 1-3
Ultima 1-9
Postal 1
Blood 2
Crusaders of Might and Magic
Jagged Alliance 2
Unreal Gold

All from GOG. And that's probably all the games I'll buy this xmas (well, depending on what the mystery daily deal that TET mentioned is).
The rest of the Might and Magic collection for me, and the Alan Wake games as a gift. All from GOG.
I grabbed a bunch of Square games: Three of the Legacy of Kain games, Thief 1+2, Anachronox, Star Topia, and Pandemonium. I also grabbed Sarcrifice and Police Quest. I'm going to be busy for a while :)
So far...

Deus Ex GOTY
Deus Ex Invisible War
Legacy of Kain - Blood Omen 2
Giana Sisters
La Mulana
Mutant Mudds

Darksiders 2 + DLC (also have a key for Darksiders 1 if anyone's interested)

Humble Bundle 7
Build a Greenlight Bundle (Groupees)

Will update if/when I get more stuff.
AFnord: GOG
Have you tried it yet? I was thinking about it but it will only add to my backlog at the moment.

So far:

Deus Ex Invisible War

Jade Empire Special Edition
Orcs Must Die! 2 Complete
Splinter Cell Conviction
Post edited December 21, 2012 by Nirth