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Barry_Woodward: 2. There are serious scientists who have conducted soil and water testing and found increased amounts of the chemicals in question in heavily chemtrailed areas.
Vitek: Where did they conduct this research?
There are no chemtrailed areas.

Licurg: Well I uprepped him, so sue me. He has every right to start this thread. He insulted nobody, he did not break GOG forum TOS, and he bothers nobody. Except for you...
Vitek: Aren't you the one who asked other memeber recently to keep his world opinions out of this forum? How is this different?
I ASKED him not to do so, I didn't insist, or downrep him, as is the case with this thread.
OneFiercePuppy: Your reference is disingenuous at best.
Nevertheless, the Harvard study that's referred to in the Reuters link is worth a second look:

OneFiercePuppy: If you keep up like this, you're just going to reveal to all of us that you're just another ignorant troll. Be careful.
Whose the one hurling insults? Certainly not me.
AFnord: Though really, this myth fails right at the start line, for the very same reason as why the water flouridation myth fails:
Why are not people in regions that gets a lot of these chemtrails (or that has flouridated water) any different/less fertile/more stupid/more ill than people who don't?
Barry_Woodward: Courtesy of my friend:

Reuters: Harvard Study Finds Fluoride Lowers IQ - Published in Federal Gov't Journal
Dude. You need to learn a little about reliable sources before you try this. The article you cite is a terrible source, since it appears to be a tertiary reference. The real numbers aren't clear--since the primary material is no longer available, we can only speculate as to what concentrations they were discussing--but the extract linked on the Harvard website suggests that "high flouride content in water may negatively affect cognitive development." What amount that is, I couldn't say, but it's certainly more than the tiny amounts you'll find in American drinking water. Further, I'd suggest that there are many areas in China that are polluted with incredible levels of various heavy metals. You want a good study on this? Find me a source that tests this on cognitive skills of rats with all other variables controlled for.

You really can't believe everything you read on the 'Net, Barry. There are a lot of people who don't know bupkis about science who are frightened by the fact that policy decisions are made that involve things that they don't understand, or that technology has progressed along so fast that they feel left behind. If you're going to become one of those, life will pretty much always be difficult for you, because you'll be fighting to swim upstream any time you talk to people about this kind of thing.

EDIT: Grammar, I will conquer you one day!
Post edited September 29, 2012 by TheEnigmaticT
Whitewraith: If this was true why not just put it in our water supply. it would be a lot quicker and direct.
They tried it already. Fortunately this lady caught it!
Barry_Woodward: Nevertheless, the Harvard study that's referred to in the Reuters link is worth a second look:
And I looked at it. Since I don't have much medical journal access, I can't comment heavily on it. But if you just read the abstract - just the abstract - you'll see that their statistical Confidence Index is for a half a percent change, which isn't statistically significant, and their recommendation is that at most these results indicate that there may be justification for further study. I probably looked at the sources harder than you did.

Barry_Woodward: Whose the one hurling insults? Certainly not me.
That's not an insult. You've demonstrated that you're willing to ask questions. If you're not willing to learn about the material, you're going to go from an inquisitive forumite to a troll. There's no insult there.

You've got an unusual forum here. Most of the members who've been here a while are older, educated, and a little less trigger happy than I'd imagine you'll find on, say, Gamespot or such. There's nothing wrong with asking questions. There's something wrong with not listening to the responses.

EDIT: broke a quote. fixed it.
Post edited September 29, 2012 by OneFiercePuppy
Whitewraith: If this was true why not just put it in our water supply. it would be a lot quicker and direct.
Stevedog13: They tried it already. Fortunately this lady caught it!
This lady's got nothing on the Empress of the World Gabrielle Chana
OneFiercePuppy: If you're not willing to learn about the material, you're going to go from an inquisitive forumite to a troll.
You're jumping to conclusions. Where have I said I'm not willing to learn about the "material"?

OneFiercePuppy: There's nothing wrong with asking questions. There's something wrong with not listening to the responses.
I am listening. What leads you to believe I'm not?
Got, i wish there was an english version of Jan Pajak's revelations, i mean, once You get to the third generation of magnocrafts.. Whoa!;D

Oh, shit! There is an english version of his weirdness!
Post edited September 29, 2012 by Arteveld
Barry_Woodward: You're jumping to conclusions. Where have I said I'm not willing to learn about the "material"?

I am listening. What leads you to believe I'm not?
OK. That's fair.

I don't have an internet connection that will let me watch three hours of video, so I won't be able to comment on what's in your videos from the OP. But you've said
"1. Scientists actually admit they're either in the planning stages to spray or are already conducting trials for the purposes of preventing global warming. 2. There are serious scientists who have conducted soil and water testing and found increased amounts aluminium and barium in heavily trailed areas." as a reason not to disregard whatever's in the videos. Good. Richard Feynman, a far smarter man than anyone on any of these forums, made it clear that you should never take something for granted when you can learn it for yourself. Especially things you want to be true. So, good, let's consider these two data points.

I don't know what you're talking about for the first. Not at all. Who are these scientists? What are they planning to spray? How (what is the mechanism) will this prevent global warming? You don't have to answer these questions in the forum. You don't have to answer them at all. But there's so little specificity in your post that I encourage you to at least answer them to *yourself* so you can decide if you want to dismiss the videos as rubbish.

For the second - contrails (bear with me for the moment, I'm going to refer to contrails because unless you have *compelling* evidence to the contrary, there exists no system I know of to distinguish vapor trails from hypothesized chemical trails) are going to follow where airplanes go. Higher rates of aluminum, a material critical to the construction of airplanes, and barium, which is alloyed into steel and aluminum to reduce impurities, as well as being an active component of pesticides (which would be heavily used in areas of population, over which airplanes tend to go, creating contrails) are to be expected in the flight path of aircraft. Have you adjusted for externalities such as that when considering what's found where? Again, this is something you need to answer for yourself, not for us. If you've got good answers for both, and you still think the ideas behind chemtrails aren't madness, I'd like to hear them.

After all, Richard Feynman is my hero, so I'm always game to upset my assumptions.
Barry_Woodward: Courtesy of my friend:
That "friend" of yours... Is it the same kind of "friend" that has these weird rashes on his scrotum which you ask your doctor about? Like in "totally not me, but that friend of mine".
Well. That was...something. I have better things to do than actually WATCH it, but I'm sure it was something.

So, what's next for Barry? We've had the fake moon landings and this one, both of which he TOTALLY thinks are fake but still feels like they're important enough to share...hmmmm.

I'm going to say we next get a post about a video proving that Chupacabras exist. I mean, he totally doesn't think they do, but his friend does and the video is compelling though completely false...maybe.
Post edited September 29, 2012 by Crassmaster
Licurg: I ASKED him not to do so, I didn't insist, or downrep him, as is the case with this thread.
You are defending Barry's right to voice his opinion but you asked another member to not post his opinion. It's the same thing.
Licurg: I ASKED him not to do so, I didn't insist, or downrep him, as is the case with this thread.
Vitek: You are defending Barry's right to voice his opinion but you asked another member to not post his opinion. It's the same thing.
Not the same thing. I told him I think that is not something he should be discussing on the GOG forums. I did not downrep him, or insult him, or otherwise bother him. I made him a suggestion, he decided not to follow, I stopped posting in the thread. It's not the same thing as other members are doing now, downrepping Barry and calling him insane...
Barry_Woodward: Courtesy of my friend:
SimonG: That "friend" of yours... Is it the same kind of "friend" that has these weird rashes on his scrotum which you ask your doctor about? Like in "totally not me, but that friend of mine".
I think it's the same "friend" who believes that the Moon landings were faked. So, yes.
Crassmaster: Well. That was...something. I have better things to do than actually WATCH it, but I'm sure it was something.

So, what's next for Barry? We've had the fake moon landings and this one, both of which he TOTALLY thinks are fake but still feels like they're important enough to share...hmmmm.

I'm going to see we next get a post about a video proving that Chupacabras exist. I mean, he totally doesn't think they do, but his friend does and the video is compelling though completely false...maybe.
VEGANS! I have the proof here. My friend tells me this is legit footage: