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We know our little game with closing down the site made some of you angry. Once again we'd like to apologize to everyone who felt deceived by us closing down without any warning and without giving you access to your games. We apologize for that from the bottom of our hearts, it was done with the best of intentions and hopefully we can make it up to you!
That being said we'd like to introduce to you the brand new After two years we're finally leaving the beta stage and moving forward to provide you even better service with your favorite PC classics. Leaving beta means lots of changes to the site itself, as well. A sleek new design makes it even easier to browse through the huge catalog, share one's passion for classic games via popular social media, get to know more about the classic games available and recommend favorite titles to other gamers. Among other changes, the team has introduced GOGmixes, which are, in short, user-created lists of games around one theme. Learn more about all the new features on overview page.
But that's not all. What anniversary would it be without some neat presents? We're celebrating the second anniversary with one of the biggest announcements ever for fans of classic PC games - we're reviving Baldur’s Gate and other classic Hasbro-Licensed PC games which will be unveiled gradually in the coming weeks!
Post edited September 23, 2010 by Neville
I never lost faith and will continue to use GOG as I have done before. P.S. Welcome back X
I have really mixed feelings about this.
On one hand, I'm glad to have you back. I'm a big proponent of DRM free gaming, and this is a major asset for me.
On the other hand, I'm still very angry. The specific reason I'm angry is because this stunt shows that you don't take the your obligation of providing game downloads, for which we paid good money, very seriously. You think it's some sort of game.
What we download are games. Providing the service we paid for is not a game.
So, in the short term, I probably won't be buying anything here anymore. Part of the money I would have spent will be used for an external hard drive for backing up my game shelf, since I no longer trust you to provide continued access.
In the long term, maybe I'll get over it. But I do think you've alienated some of your biggest fans that help promote your site, which was a really stupid thing to do.
Post edited September 23, 2010 by barleyguy
You guys couldn't download games for 3 days. Grow up, I <3 you
gulldarek: The outcome was quite different from what they expected but it doesn't mean that GoG is not trustworthy.
Of course they lost a lot of trustworthiness - because (even there is no drm) this whole digital distribution thing is about reliablility. And shutting down the download section without warning (and even cutting off running downloads) is the opposite of reliable.
And why should this not alter the way we see They lied once to us, so they will probably do it again.
I think the biggest problem about the downtime is that they actually knew about it and didn't inform us beforehand. Other than that I actually think it is somewhat ok. But planned downtime should always be handled in a way where it causes as litlle trouble as possible. And that would mean informing the members about it.
Welcome back GOG! I thought the joke was funny, but it's probably not a good idea to repeat it. Still, you only leave beta once--one hopes, at least. Cheers.
ChazFox: Man, reading this thread is like reading comments on Youtube video whenever they announce a new feature or a revamp of the Youtube site.
People just like to complain. In time they'll look back at this and see the funny side (And hopefully see how stupid they were to go I'M NEVER BUYING FROM GOG AGAIN BAAAAAAW).
I totally concur with this Chaz. is providing a model that other download services cannot match. DRM-free!!!!!!!!!!! What the hell is wrong with you people??? Sorry for the harsh language...has to be done.
Besides all the people complaining about not being able to download their purchased games is an inane and moot point. You people do realize that when you purchase digital content the first thing you do is back it up via CDROM /DVD or whatever. Steam (blah) has it right in their menu for cryin' out loud! is awesome and doing us all a great service. When you purchase something do your part and PUT IT ON DISC!!!!
Grow up....geeze!
PS - Sorry for the rant but these cry babies are forgetting HOW MUCH GOG.COM is breaking the cookie cutter cutthroat DRM frenzied industry. Keep up the great work GoG team I really appreciate it unlike some of these other gamers (not sure they should even be called gamers!) Peace out and I again apologize for the is what it is :)
Post edited September 23, 2010 by reddog000
gulldarek: You are a friend and real friendsdon't play on emotions.
Even I'll agree with that. It was a really emotional thing for me, which was kind of surprising in a way. But I keep the intentions in mind and don't interpret it maliciously.
great stunt,

give he or she a raise!!!
I will admit that I believed you were shutting down for a few days. I do think it was a stupid stunt but people need to realize what Vestin said, the site needed to be taken down for the overhaul anyways. I forgive you and I'm not boycotting gog like so many others say they will. That would be pointless. Plus I'm excited to try Baldur's Gate. I've heard a lot of good things about it but never played it. Assuming I like it I hope you get the second one, along with Icewind Dale.

avatar We know our little game with closing down the site made some of you angry. Once again we'd like to apologize to everyone who felt deceived by us closing down without any warning and without giving you access to your games. We apologize for that from the bottom of our hearts, it was done with the best of intentions and hopefully we can make it up to you!
Personally, I was not upset at all about the prank (I thought it was a bit clever), but was saddened that I thought at first, GOG was no more.

To be honest the lag in the site going online this morning was more troubling, as I waited before going off to an important appointment and risked being late to see the new GOG site. Obviously, I missed the launch as I am just arriving 12 hours later.

For all the trouble do I get Baldur's Gate Free! :o)
xa_chan: GOG, you disappointed me. You pulled this dirty trick, feigning a closing of the service, or a relaunch with DRMs, just for buzz.
I hate buzz.
With a passion.
Most of the times, "buzzed" things are worthless, just a marketing shell. I thought you'd have been clever enough to understand that what made you unique in the gaming world was precisely that you didn't buzz. You did the job. You delivered exactly what you announced. You were serious.
Not anymore, not to me at least. It has nothing to do with the fact that you temporarily closed your service, after all it didn't prevent me to play the games I bought here, because I already back up everything as a rule.
No, what upsets me is that you used the way of "buzz", of "wink wink at my double-entendre sentences" to create an expectation. Too bad its execution was so poorly done. To me, as a customer, it did more harm than good. I'll never read what you write the same way, I'll always think "is there a double meaning here?"
But I'm sure with the buzz and the coming of Baldur's Gate, your sales will explode, so you will be able to think that I'm a loser without humor. That might be true. That won't change the fact that your trick destroyed what was the most important to me in GOG : trust.
The wound will be long to heal.
+1 -- wellsaid!
exerron: It's simply amazing how much people can whine about a little more than half a week of downtime...
And it's amazing how utterly dense and stupid some poeple can be. It wasn't about the down time.

Those of us who were angered over this have every right to be so. We made GOG what it is with our support and trust -- I've been here from the beginning. There has not been a stronger, more faithful believer and supporter in what they were trying to do.

But I can tell you without a doubt that it was the absolute stupidest PR stunt I have seen in my lifetime. It totally betrayed their model of trust between GOG and customer. If you can't see that, so be it, but don't belittle those of us who do.
Post edited September 23, 2010 by Bron
Apology not accepted.
People take things to literally... is a small website with limited advertisement funds. Steam is backed up by freaking Valve, makers of the multi-million selling franchise Half-Life. They can blow big bucks on ads. GOG? Not so much.

It is PERFECTLY acceptable for them to use guerilla tactics to get the media's attention.

Yeah, three days without the site. What a bummer. Move on.