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Get Thief, Tomb Raider, Deus Ex, Soul Reaver, and more Square Enix titles 50% off!

If you read the tagline, what more is there really to add? Our [url=]Ultimate Square Enix promo offers you the chance to get games from some of the most exciting series with a nice 50% off discount. Square Enix catalog features some of the most impressive gems in the offer. Titles that evoke memories and emotions in thousands and thousands of gamers. The character cast of the Square Enix stable alone is impressive enough to make one's heart race. If had a red carpet, celebrities such as Lara Croft, Garret the Master Thief, Agent 47, Kain and Raziel, and JC Denton would arrive to walk it on a limousine marked by Square Enix logo. Let's take a quick look at the featured games, shall we?

Lara Croft is the ever-shining star of the Tomb Raider series. Lately her character has undergone some major changes. Here, we give you a chance to spend some quality time with good--erm--classic Lara. Tomb Raider 1+2+3, Tomb Raider: Last Revelation + Chronicles, and Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness sum up all of the miss Croft's early career, for only $4.99 each!

Yet another hero who is a fan of property re-assignment concept, Garret the Thief is now preparing a big return. On you can catch up wit all of his adventures, as long as you can keep up with him, as he silently moves through the shadows. Thief Gold, Thief 2: The Metal Age, and Thief 3: The Deadly Shadows let you experience the life of a thievery archmaster, for only $4.99 each!

Also preferring to keep a low-profile, Agent 47 is the main character of the Hitman series. The newest game featuring the bald assassin brought a lot of new ideas to the table, and not all of them met with gamers' appreciation. We give you first two classic Hitman games: Hitman: Codename 47 for only $2.99 and Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, for only $4.99!

That's only a small taste of the Square Enix title you can get 50% off this weekend. Head out to our Ultimate Square Enix promo page, to check out the whole offer!

Below, you'll find a new episode of This Week on GOG, a short video guide to recent events, promos, and other happenings on the site. By the way, if you haven't already, you might want to follow the channel on Youtube, so you won't miss our shows, specials, and exclusive trailers.

This Week on GOG episode 13
Post edited February 08, 2013 by G-Doc
dirtyharry50: I thought he was going away for a year because we aren't nice enough or something. I guess he finished his backlog and needed to return early. lol
No one ever finishes their backlog.
fucking beautiful reply from TET. my faith in gog is restored. ima go get another drink
Fictionvision: No one ever finishes their backlog.
Quoted for truth . Also no one can escape from this accursed forum . :p
My name didn't come up, but I feel like these complaints are targeted at me too, so I am going to write a few words. I know I am a beggar. I got quite a few games from fellow GOGgers. I am ashamed to say, but sometimes I even abused their generosity. It is tempting, when you know that "hinting" may cause gifting. I feel ashamed of this.

I think that your complaints are justified, so from now on, I will reduce the begging factor to absolute minimum (only rare posts in GOG Gifting thread) not to annoy anyone. And don't worry, I will not post any "weekly wishlist" or anything there, only if I really, really wanted some game. I promise not to post anything about that in a few months. (it's hard to overcome, really!) oh, and probably enter some giveaways, because that's what they are for :P

I am quite poor on EU or US standards (less than 200 EUR / month to live including rent), but that shouldn't be an excuse. In fact, I already have more games than I actually need. If I wanted to play every single one of them, it would take a year at least to finish play them all, even longer when thinking of finishing it. I am trying my best to play every game I was gifted though, because accepting a gift and not playing a game would be very ungrateful.

So, I just wanted to thank you all once again, for being this generous, and sorry for me being abusive quite often. I did that because I almost always lack funds to buy what I want, but again - that's not a valid excuse. And there are definitely many other people in much worse situation than me, who deserve being gifted much more than me. Heh, I wish I had an actual job so I could repay this community. Some day I definitely will.

Thank you for understanding.
Post edited February 09, 2013 by keeveek
low rated
Well I'm pretty happy. Still a little on edge with the last reply (if everyone needs to play by the same rules no matter their conditions, why was gameon's perceived mental issues brought up as the reason to not take him seriously?) but I'm pretty pleased that at the very least TET realized that was an incredibly problematic reply. Hey, maybe I'll even go and buy Blood Omen 2 to polish off the collection.

To some of the others in this thread, I kind of wish people (in general) spent less time slagging off everything as just a bit of drama without considering why "drama" like this begins in the first place at all. We can all sit around and sarcastically quip about "what's tomorrow's GOG forum drama going to be?" but I find it's better to try to understand why people might be upset than just making it worse by acting like the problem is trivial (even if you do think it's trivial, because obviously others disagree).

But that seems a bit nicer than the majority of this forum is willing to be, so I guess I'll just continue to ignore the community button like before this started. Too bad.
PenutBrittle: Well I'm pretty happy. Still a little on edge with the last reply (if everyone needs to play by the same rules no matter their conditions, why was gameon's perceived mental issues brought up as the reason to not take him seriously?)
His mental issues weren't brought up as the reason not to take him seriously. If anything the perceived death threat was the thing that wasn't taken seriously, and ( along with a few other gameon posts in the past)brought up the reason as to why he might have problematic mental issues. It's not like tet was using some ad hominem reasoning and said " you have mental problems, therefore I can't take you seriously on this death threat"

At least that's the way I took it, I don't really mean to speak for him. I am confused on why this was such a big deal though. That there was a perceived "death threat" that demanded some serious action other than tet giving some kind of polite warning seems ridiculous to me. Licurg's comments were just a juvenile way of saying that he doesn't like gameon very much, that's it.
Post edited February 09, 2013 by CaptainGyro
Fictionvision: No one ever finishes their backlog.
ne_zavarj: Quoted for truth . Also no one can escape from this accursed forum . :p
You escaped but you decided of your own free will to return to this accursed forum, what was it, days later?
high rated
PenutBrittle: Well I'm pretty happy. Still a little on edge with the last reply (if everyone needs to play by the same rules no matter their conditions, why was gameon's perceived mental issues brought up as the reason to not take him seriously?) but I'm pretty pleased that at the very least TET realized that was an incredibly problematic reply. Hey, maybe I'll even go and buy Blood Omen 2 to polish off the collection.

To some of the others in this thread, I kind of wish people (in general) spent less time slagging off everything as just a bit of drama without considering why "drama" like this begins in the first place at all. We can all sit around and sarcastically quip about "what's tomorrow's GOG forum drama going to be?" but I find it's better to try to understand why people might be upset than just making it worse by acting like the problem is trivial (even if you do think it's trivial, because obviously others disagree).

But that seems a bit nicer than the majority of this forum is willing to be, so I guess I'll just continue to ignore the community button like before this started. Too bad.
That post really irks the hell out of me. I shall now go to bat for TET because I like the guy and I'm damned tired of seeing certain people here treat him badly.

I called it drama because it was drama, loads and loads of ridiculous, uncalled for - DRAMA - note the caps for dramatic emphasis. It seems to fit in well with this thread.

Let's review:

gameon deliberately baited licurg with a comment about Sacrifice - gameon started it
licurg went a little overboard in responding
TET wrote a post reminding gameon he was overreacting to licurg's "death threat." which he was.
Then everybody and their brother had to fuel the fire and keep it going for the rest of the thread up to and including now with certain people giving TET an undeserved hard time. You try moderating a forum sometime. Have fun.

I feel sorry for TET personally and I think some of you were the real assholes here. It could have and should have died after he made his comment but oh, no. Let's crucify the guy now because we don't like the way he worded his basic position. Oh, yes! This was truly and indeed a criminal offense. Respect and face were lost here! I will buy no more games from GOG now all because he acted so badly and I am so self-righteous. Heaven forbid we just go back to talking about the sale when drama this sweet can be fully played out.

Fucking spare me please.

Don't bother trying to justify any of this bullshit. I felt like I was back in high school reading this crap. Maybe I was and maybe a lot of you still are. It sure seemed it.

TET was simply trying to be the bigger man here after some of you shit on him.

Let's get real. gameon acted like an ass and then after being provoked so did licurg. It is just that simple. TET's reply was not problematic in my eyes. He did not make light of gameon's mental issues if he has them. He took the possibility into account, said so and explained why it was not a real death threat with one whole hell of a lot more patience than I would have had. And then you drama queens descended upon him like fucking vultures on fresh meat.

You could have minded your own damned business and let the parties involved speak up for themselves and sort their own issues but oh, no. In came the righteous crusaders, crosses, pitchforks and torches in hand.

Gee, it is mighty nice of you after how greatly wronged YOU were personally that now you will buy a three dollar game from GOG, as if this is some reward for them for responding to your correction. You must really think the fucking world turns around you. Well, your world does and here's a clue: there is exactly one reason you will buy a game here. It is because you want the game. It is not because you are rewarding somebody's "improved" behavior now. You might fool yourself but rest assured you don't fool anybody else.

All of this is trivial PenutBrittle. Consider human suffering, people starving daily, war, people suffering under torture in prisons every single day while we play games in comfort. Now, tell me again how important all of this was?

Yes, the majority of this forum is just terrible people and you should continue to ignore the community button except for just one little problem. You cannot resist it. Look, you are here now are you not? Didn't you just say you ignore the community button in a moment of proving you do not? And I am supposed to take you seriously?

I don't think so.

The majority of this forum is made up of nice people who for the most part share a passion for classic gaming and enjoy talking about it. If you want to go nuts every time people have a few cross words I suggest you grow a thicker skin or else stick with your resolve to ignore the community button for your own well being.

I am not in the habit of going off like this but when you assholes pick on a guy as nice as TET and won't cut him an ounce of slack, you really piss me off. You want to pick on someone? Pick on gameon for starting this shit.
PenutBrittle: Well I'm pretty happy. Still a little on edge with the last reply (if everyone needs to play by the same rules no matter their conditions, why was gameon's perceived mental issues brought up as the reason to not take him seriously?) but I'm pretty pleased that at the very least TET realized that was an incredibly problematic reply. Hey, maybe I'll even go and buy Blood Omen 2 to polish off the collection.

To some of the others in this thread, I kind of wish people (in general) spent less time slagging off everything as just a bit of drama without considering why "drama" like this begins in the first place at all. We can all sit around and sarcastically quip about "what's tomorrow's GOG forum drama going to be?" but I find it's better to try to understand why people might be upset than just making it worse by acting like the problem is trivial (even if you do think it's trivial, because obviously others disagree).

But that seems a bit nicer than the majority of this forum is willing to be, so I guess I'll just continue to ignore the community button like before this started. Too bad.
dirtyharry50: That post really irks the hell out of me. I shall now go to bat for TET because I like the guy and I'm damned tired of seeing certain people here treat him badly.

I called it drama because it was drama, loads and loads of ridiculous, uncalled for - DRAMA - note the caps for dramatic emphasis. It seems to fit in well with this thread.

Let's review:

gameon deliberately baited licurg with a comment about Sacrifice - gameon started it
licurg went a little overboard in responding
TET wrote a post reminding gameon he was overreacting to licurg's "death threat." which he was.
Then everybody and their brother had to fuel the fire and keep it going for the rest of the thread up to and including now with certain people giving TET an undeserved hard time. You try moderating a forum sometime. Have fun.

I feel sorry for TET personally and I think some of you were the real assholes here. It could have and should have died after he made his comment but oh, no. Let's crucify the guy now because we don't like the way he worded his basic position. Oh, yes! This was truly and indeed a criminal offense. Respect and face were lost here! I will buy no more games from GOG now all because he acted so badly and I am so self-righteous. Heaven forbid we just go back to talking about the sale when drama this sweet can be fully played out.

Fucking spare me please.

Don't bother trying to justify any of this bullshit. I felt like I was back in high school reading this crap. Maybe I was and maybe a lot of you still are. It sure seemed it.

TET was simply trying to be the bigger man here after some of you shit on him.

Let's get real. gameon acted like an ass and then after being provoked so did licurg. It is just that simple. TET's reply was not problematic in my eyes. He did not make light of gameon's mental issues if he has them. He took the possibility into account, said so and explained why it was not a real death threat with one whole hell of a lot more patience than I would have had. And then you drama queens descended upon him like fucking vultures on fresh meat.

You could have minded your own damned business and let the parties involved speak up for themselves and sort their own issues but oh, no. In came the righteous crusaders, crosses, pitchforks and torches in hand.

Gee, it is mighty nice of you after how greatly wronged YOU were personally that now you will buy a three dollar game from GOG, as if this is some reward for them for responding to your correction. You must really think the fucking world turns around you. Well, your world does and here's a clue: there is exactly one reason you will buy a game here. It is because you want the game. It is not because you are rewarding somebody's "improved" behavior now. You might fool yourself but rest assured you don't fool anybody else.

All of this is trivial PenutBrittle. Consider human suffering, people starving daily, war, people suffering under torture in prisons every single day while we play games in comfort. Now, tell me again how important all of this was?

Yes, the majority of this forum is just terrible people and you should continue to ignore the community button except for just one little problem. You cannot resist it. Look, you are here now are you not? Didn't you just say you ignore the community button in a moment of proving you do not? And I am supposed to take you seriously?

I don't think so.

The majority of this forum is made up of nice people who for the most part share a passion for classic gaming and enjoy talking about it. If you want to go nuts every time people have a few cross words I suggest you grow a thicker skin or else stick with your resolve to ignore the community button for your own well being.

I am not in the habit of going off like this but when you assholes pick on a guy as nice as TET and won't cut him an ounce of slack, you really piss me off. You want to pick on someone? Pick on gameon for starting this shit.
Well said +1
DCT: Well said +1
Thanks man. I feel better after getting that off my chest. :D
Very good post dirtyharry50. Been reading couple of post and thread started by you since weeks ago. I like your firm and objective stance on any issue that you face here. Before anybody get the wrong idea, I can vouch dirtyharry50 is not typical GOG fan who will defend every single of their decision.
Post edited February 09, 2013 by wormholewizards
So… Square Enix. Has anyone else pondered how painful, or even lethal Lara Croft's angular anatomy in the early games might have proven in a romantic encounter?
Before the sale is over I want to try one of the Tomb Raider games. I've never played one of those. Anyone care to recommend which one to try first? How about "The Last Revelation"?
Slow clap.
Post edited February 09, 2013 by ShadowWulfe
wormholewizards: Very good post dirtyharry50. Been reading couple of post and thread started by you since weeks ago. I like your firm and objective stance on any issue that you face here. Before anybody get the wrong idea, I can vouch dirtyharry50 is not typical GOG fan who will defend every single of their decision.
Thank you very much for the kind words. I know I make my share of mistakes too but this stuff just got to me. TET is a great guy who does an excellent job and I genuinely admire his ability to be so patient and understanding of all different kinds of people. I wish I had his people skills.
drennan: So… Square Enix. Has anyone else pondered how painful, or even lethal Lara Croft's angular anatomy in the early games might have proven in a romantic encounter?
I like to imagine that in her world I'd have some angles going myself. ;-)
ShadowWulfe: Slow clap.
Thanks man. ;-)
Post edited February 09, 2013 by dirtyharry50