Posted September 06, 2010

Go To Guy Team
Registered: Apr 2008
From Poland

Blah - Human
Registered: Jan 2009
From Australia
Posted September 06, 2010
Warning, King's Bounty is a bit addictive. I'm supposed to be getting on with things but I installed it and thought I'd give it a quick play and I'm still playing hours and hours later :)

New User
Registered: Aug 2010
From United States
Posted September 06, 2010
Great promo GoG! I had to pick up FW and KB. What a bargain!

Dosbox l337
Registered: Mar 2009
From Peru
Posted September 06, 2010
quickly, im about to buy one of the three or all three, kings bounty, star wolves, or fantasy wars. Which one is the best?

Registered: Mar 2009
From Japan

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From United States
Posted September 07, 2010
Crap, was gone all weekend and missed it.

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted September 07, 2010
Got Fantasy Wars. Review here saying it was tougher than usual sparked my interest. And I actually like colorful games. Drab games get me down. The world is drab enough, I don't need to spend time in a game world that makes it look like you're swimming through piss.

New User
Registered: Jun 2010
From Australia
Posted September 08, 2010
I've been away for a couple of weeks and come back 3 days after this promo has finished. I love these games and would have bought the UFO series.
How annoying. Don't suppose I could beg a Mod for a raincheck ? :)
I've been away for a couple of weeks and come back 3 days after this promo has finished. I love these games and would have bought the UFO series.
How annoying. Don't suppose I could beg a Mod for a raincheck ? :)

ATTN: Sarcastic
Registered: Apr 2009
From Brazil
Posted September 11, 2010

But actually you have demonstrated the core of what I wanted to say very well. If I read post of users,e.g. when I red your post, I feel that there is a human on the other end. Its because you express your opinions, your feelings, you basically speak what you think (whatever it is).
With the promo and new release posts (activity and alive posts) of GOG in the last four weeks (the time period since I am here) they lack all this ... its a different kind of language different from what you and I are using.
I don't have a problem with it, although I would prefer a more human interaction.
Actually google is an interesting subject. I use google, I find some of their services quite efficient. I like them. But its basically the same. One thing that I like are the occasional themes of the Google logo linking to an important event, that gives them some personality, but not too much.
To summarize: I like to have relations with the businesses I am dealing with, but I can live perfectly with an impersonal, modern business interface. Just wanted to express my impressions.
No problem, I understood.
I do like GOG's style of news posts, you can see that there's a basic form behind it of course but with a personal touch added in, don't know who is actually responsible for these.
It has slowed down, yes. Don't know the reason why there wasn't an anniversary post, or why support is lacking, etc, I guess staff was overloaded and there was little time to focus on writing stuff. Which I agree with, keep the focus on the core stuff, like support and getting new releases.
You should have a look at the other DD sites, and you'll see that they lack much, much more. Even if it was just a mention of two threads, I felt it was personal and it made me laugh.
I love lots of Google's sites, but dislike many others. But I can't say "I hate" them. They all have the same language and that sometimes feels generic, just watch some of Google's staff trying/or forced to "be cool" on youtube videos and you'll get it. But they know they stuff, they rule it. And GOG rules old games.
How many times you tried to talk about google with google, and you got replied by yet another robotic form? Here you can reply to blue colored posts knowing there's an actual staff person reading it (if they got free time, obviously). There's few game stores I know that do this, this kind of direct interaction/feedback just like you had with Mr. Cook.
A tip: you can post suggestions and the likes, here:

Registered: Sep 2009
From Norway
Posted September 11, 2010