Zacron: It was MUCH higher resolution, rivaling Freespace in detail, and had better support, as it was built for Windows, not Dos, IIRC. The story is what you would expect, and more than a little predictable, at times, but it more than made up for it with the gameplay.
Crosmando: Righty o, are they fighting the Kilrathi again in it, or is it more a insurgency type thing like Price of freedom?
Here is the synopsis from Wikipedia:
Peace has finally come to the Confederation, or so it seems. Still remaining vigilant, they commission the new megacarrier TCS Midway, which is soon needed when Kilrathi worlds are attacked by an enemy whose coming was foretold in ancient Kilrathi prophecies. The insectoid enemy, codenamed the Nephilim, soon begin attacking Confed space and the Midway is called in to stop their advance. As young hotshot pilot Lance Casey, the player must fight their organic ships to help destroy the wormhole they used to enter Kilrathi space, thereby halting the invasion, at least for a while.
As did Wing Commander IV, Prophecy incorporated live-action cutscenes with actors.
And for Wing Commander: Secret Ops
The Nephilim return, this time much closer to Earth. Transferred to the cruiser TCS Cerberus, Casey and his wingmates must repel the invasion once again.
Secret Ops was an experiment in game distribution. It was at first only available as a free download. In regular intervals, new episodes were released, each featuring several new missions with the storyline told through in-game cutscenes.
And as I read that, I am remembering that you actually team up in multiple missions WITH the Kilrathi.