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Tulivu: I wish there was a real video game equivalent to the tabletop game. I always wanted to play but the idea of purchasing a working army and trying to find time with the local community put me off. I almost bought a Grey Knights set but I put it off (funny, it was just before I joined a different Marine Corps). When I get a working gaming computer again, I'll have to get DoW but its just not the same.
Check out Vassel40k. It's pretty much exactly like the table top, just play by e-mail or real time. It's not pretty, and you'll need the rulebook and the codex for the army you're playing, but it gets the job done.

My friend and I played a match using it, and once we figured out what we were doing it was fun.
cheesetruncheon: As a Tyranid guy, I did prefer DoW2.

To me less of a focus on building and more on ordering units about felt more Warhammer-y than all of the base building from DoW1.
What? No mines on the table? ;)
Just saw on Facebook that Relic is coming out with a new 40K. It's going to be called Warhammer 40K: Kill Team. It's only going to be on Xbox and PS3 from what the announcement said. It looks like Alien Swarm
Post edited June 02, 2011 by enterprise2004
New edition Chaos rumours:!-(23nd-Nov)

I hope for more fluff about Alpha Legion (though there will be something new in Deliverance Lost in HH series).