Potzato: Outside of videogames, I have to admit I prefer the french voices of The Simpsons, and while I don't apreciate South Park I find the french version less disturbing.
Well that's a can of worms. The foreign Simpsons voices are generally good, and the french ones are no excpetions - but the jokes (especially the plays on words) get sometimes lost.
The french South Park is a bit awful. They often try to "add funny" through comical cartoony voices, while the english version plays it deadpan (the crude drawings do enough for the distanciation, so, actors shouldn't feel forced to hammer "i am saying this for fun actually" into their style). Take one dumb exemple : the shock, distress and incomprehension of Kyle's father when his warcraft character gets killed is some dumb-sounding "puurkhwaaah", on a comedic "hello this is me making a 'why' sound in a self-aware wimpy voice that means that "it is not actually serious and that the character is dumb but i am just making his voice and i am entirely aware that he is wrong here but you know i just read my line as a joke because we are making a humorous show with comical characters who are not me" tone.
Well, it doesn't work well. I mean, "Airplane" worked because of its characters sounding so much into it, and south park is the same. A subtletly that its french dubbers don't really grasp.
ANYWAY, RANT. I don't like dubbing in general, and yes, the game (and cartoon) lovalisations are generally even cheaper and more neglected than movies, which themselves are terrible. And god the tv series. They have like three actors doing all the voices, and all the different faces of different actors in different series share the same voice and tone of "the girl (and the woman and the child)", "the tough guy", "the sensible hero", and "the grunt". Close your eyes, and it sounds like some lame one-man-show stand-up routine. Argh. Fuck that.
Off topic.