pseudonarne: can't trust people with their own real world security either. I know half my neighbors didn't have alarms and about half of those don't often lock their doors....... we've had a few robberies by others who apparently found that out and they still don't.
But I think they all have a password on their wifi.... we didn't though until I got back from college and put one on
On the other hand, if you have your house broken into you probably will become aware of it.
If you have your network broken into because you either didn't set the password or used the default one (which isn't hard to find if you know what router is used) you won't know about it until you get the copyright warning or in the worst case scenario you are accused of viewing child porn.
See this site here:
People who don't lock their doors are taking their chances and they know the risks. The cyberworld on the other hand is more mysterious, so they should be educated so they can't say I didn't know. Now their is a problem with people not using secure passwords, but at least it is not the default one and should discourage the lazy "hacker."