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Looking at the postings so far I would say another "ask the developer/movie producer" isn't really an option here, which means it's time for brainstorming for the gog team.
Post edited February 04, 2013 by DukeNukemForever
On a side note, Martin Scorsese just showed up in the Mortal Kombat thread but for some reason he won't talk about anything but Sub-Zero.
DukeNukemForever: Looking at the postings so far I would say another "ask the developer/movie producer" isn't really an option here, which means it's time for brainstorming for the gog team.
Maybe they could have him play something like bloodrayne!
tinyE: On a side note, Martin Scorsese just showed up in the Mortal Kombat thread but for some reason he won't talk about anything but Sub-Zero.
I know your joking but I didn't know there was Mortal Kombat thread..
Post edited February 04, 2013 by Ultimatum
Lifthrasil: The only question I would have for Uwe Boll is: "Why do you dedicate so much work to making your movies intentionally bad?"

I mean his movies are beyond 'no talent and no effort - bad'. It is unlikely that someone fails so consistently only by chance. This kind of bad can only be intentional.
I think it's more likely that he's going places with the movies that people don't care for. But, obviously, people are going to the movies often enough for him to get to direct more movies, so I have to suspect that his directorial decisions are working for at least some people.
tinyE: On a side note, Martin Scorsese just showed up in the Mortal Kombat thread but for some reason he won't talk about anything but Sub-Zero.
That's crazy, because we all know that Reptile is where it's at.
Post edited February 04, 2013 by hedwards
deathknight1728: The best way to deal with Uwe Boll is to not force him to go Raging Boll on you. You do that by watching what you say and not pulverizing him with negative comments. A simple conversation would do wonders. The problem with nowadays is that everyone makes everything personal on the internet.

I went on my brothers surfing page to see someone tell him after watching him surf, that he is a waste of life and should go kill himself. Since when do they know him and they are now telling him that, jeez.
Tantrix: I know he boxes with his critics. I want to box with him too. The only recondition is that I want to battle him in Pankration:
Because I want to end this.
But he only got in the ring with complete novices. If he found out they had *ANY* training, he ran a *&@!ing mile....
I actually enjoyed one of Uwe Boll's films. I thought 'In the Name Of The King' was an enjoyable tale. Unfortunately I then saw the second. I suppose it would be nice to ask him why he decided to get his cast from Live Action Role Playing, then stick Dolph Lundgren in the middle.
wpegg: I actually enjoyed one of Uwe Boll's films. I thought 'In the Name Of The King' was an enjoyable tale.
I liked that movie, one of the best Boll films in my opinion. Another film to check out would be Blackwoods (one of his earlier movies).

I haven't seen rampage yet, but it got some decent reviews:
Post edited February 04, 2013 by gameon
I may have heard his name once or twice, but I only looked him up after someone opened a thread about the new WoW movies' director and somebody wanted Boll to do it :D

Then I looked him up and I got to say....that man has an attitude, it's crazy. I hope this won't worsen GOG's image, lol. But this Q&A might be interesting. Can't say anything about his movies thought, I either didn't saw any or I already forgot about it.
I imagine TET has to confer with the GOG Collective (GOGllective?) about any possible legal issues that would spring up.
Law sucks like that.

If people kept it civil during Q&A it would be fairly awesome. If GOG wants to do it but is worried about people flaming Boll, they might do what someone suggested earlier and post their own Q&A (equally awesome).
ShadowWulfe: I imagine TET has to confer with the GOG Collective (GOGllective?) about any possible legal issues that would spring up.
Law sucks like that.

If people kept it civil during Q&A it would be fairly awesome. If GOG wants to do it but is worried about people flaming Boll, they might do what someone suggested earlier and post their own Q&A (equally awesome).
GOG usually has people submit the Question beforehand and then they chose the best. I would imagine they'd carefully taking care to note how the questions were phrased if such a Q&A were to take place at all. :)
Post edited February 04, 2013 by crazy_dave
I would actually like to know more about how he works with his actors. It seems to me that a lot of what goes wrong in an Uwe Boll movies revolves around poor performances from otherwise good performers. For example Ben Kingsley in Bloodrayne. I get that he was a very old and powerful vampire so he was to be somewhat subdued in personality. However I feel that the performance came off more wooden than thoughtful. On the otherside of the spectrum was Ray Liota in In the Name of the King. He was supposed to be an evil wizard type corrupted by his own power, but instead Ray shows up in a black leather jacket doing a bad impression of himself as a crazed mob boss. "Hey look at me I got power! Ha ha ha!"

If I could pick a game for an Uwe movie I would go with Grand Theft Auto. Because there are several games spanning several stories/characters it would be easy to draft a script that pulls inspiration from the games without having to copy or change the lore and continuity from the game. Just tell the story of maybe a con man who just got out of prison, looking to make it big. He learned a few things in the joint, like how to hotwire a car, crack a safe and the names of some people looking to hire. Armed with this new knowledge along with his ability to sell himself he ventures out in pursuit of the good life. He plays the dangerous game of sucking up to someone in power, getting close then stabbing them in the back as a way to impress someone higher up the food chain. If he can keep it up he will either wind up in charge of a criminal empire, or an unmarked grave in the city landfill. Since the name Grand Theft Auto already has all the censors on alert this should be one of those "Hard R" movies full of over the top car chases, unnecessarily viokent gun fights and impossibly proportioned women. Just promise that there will be a Directors Cut version with all the scenes that were too hot for the MPAA and you will have the free advertisement of internet buzz.
gameon: ...
I've done my share of criticizing the guy (potentially unfairly), I have to admit, I keep reading about how engaged he is with community and I find it hard not to admire stuff like this.
Post edited February 04, 2013 by orcishgamer
gameon: I would have kept it as a pm, but TET has not bothered to let me know whether they are interested or not, despite having 24 hours to reply.
I think its hilarious that you expect a reply to something like that within 24 hours. I'm pretty certain TET would need to speak to at least one other person before a decision is made.
gameon: I would have kept it as a pm, but TET has not bothered to let me know whether they are interested or not, despite having 24 hours to reply.
htown1980: I think its hilarious that you expect a reply to something like that within 24 hours. I'm pretty certain TET would need to speak to at least one other person before a decision is made.
I was after a reply to show either interest or no interest. I was worried he'd tell me it was a shit idea or something, lol.