Posted December 26, 2013

garbage features like achievements.
Registered: Apr 2009
From Other

New User
Registered: Dec 2013
From Canada
Posted December 26, 2013
Steamworks-integrated games are worse to me, they home in to an authentication server every 15 seconds or so, which is purely an anti-piracy measure as it kicks you out if it doesn't get an authentication response... so treating a customer like a criminal who has to prove himself, no thanks! I don't care if Steam's authentication servers rarely go down, I don't like the idea of it.

New User
Registered: Dec 2008
From Germany
Posted December 26, 2013
Whoever thought up that retarded system by which you have to finish achievements to unlock DLC ought to be trampled over by stampeding ducks.

Night Person
Registered: Dec 2008
From Romania

Registered: Sep 2008
From Switzerland
Posted December 26, 2013

Second, I actually like that system as it gives you something for just playing the games. For me that's better then every other achievement-system that is just usable for waving e-peens.
... and third, we're also not talking about unobtainable stuff here. On almost any Ubigame the first two are rewards for ending the tutorial / first mission.

Night Person
Registered: Dec 2008
From Romania
Posted December 26, 2013
Spoken like a true UPlay apologist. Thing is: you want to give that stuff free, make it without the need of another party. You reach a point in the game, it's yours. It's free anyway, why the frag you should need something else to unlock it, except the game engine?!
Also, Ubi love for UPlay editions....Now we are talking about stuff that you can't get for free and can't be obtained unless you've bought that specific edition. Check the Assassin Creed 2-4 Deluxe Editions and compare them with the standard editions and try to find the gameplay stuff ( not the making off, soundtracks, but the DLC's included in those editions ) for sale. See if you can find them anywhere, separately. If you want a complete edition, buy our overpriced Deluxe Edition. Which is digital...Check the prices for those Deluxe Editions at every AC. You might be surprised to find them at about 40-50 euros. Yup, the old ones, too. Like they are retail collectibles or such. Amazed that they are not higher. And funny thing, but the bloody pirates have access to that content for free. We want to pay for the game content found in those editions, but we don't have that option. Funny, right?! Because, Ubi....
And being forced to MP for some content in Heroes 6. I vastly dislike MP, but Ubi is forcing that stuff upon me. You want better stuff, extra heroes, please play the game in MP. No alternative for that extra stuff. In AC4 there is stuff that can be obtained only if you play MP ( community challenges, Kenway's fleet ). You don't play it, no access to that stuff. And i dislike the bloody MP. For me gaming is a rather singular affair. Why should i be punished because i refuse to play along with others?! Why not being offer an alternative?!
Seriously, check the facts before saying anything.
Also, Ubi love for UPlay editions....Now we are talking about stuff that you can't get for free and can't be obtained unless you've bought that specific edition. Check the Assassin Creed 2-4 Deluxe Editions and compare them with the standard editions and try to find the gameplay stuff ( not the making off, soundtracks, but the DLC's included in those editions ) for sale. See if you can find them anywhere, separately. If you want a complete edition, buy our overpriced Deluxe Edition. Which is digital...Check the prices for those Deluxe Editions at every AC. You might be surprised to find them at about 40-50 euros. Yup, the old ones, too. Like they are retail collectibles or such. Amazed that they are not higher. And funny thing, but the bloody pirates have access to that content for free. We want to pay for the game content found in those editions, but we don't have that option. Funny, right?! Because, Ubi....
And being forced to MP for some content in Heroes 6. I vastly dislike MP, but Ubi is forcing that stuff upon me. You want better stuff, extra heroes, please play the game in MP. No alternative for that extra stuff. In AC4 there is stuff that can be obtained only if you play MP ( community challenges, Kenway's fleet ). You don't play it, no access to that stuff. And i dislike the bloody MP. For me gaming is a rather singular affair. Why should i be punished because i refuse to play along with others?! Why not being offer an alternative?!
Seriously, check the facts before saying anything.

Registered: Sep 2008
From Switzerland
Posted December 26, 2013

We want to pay for the game content found in those editions, but we don't have that option. Funny, right?! Because, Ubi....
If it is so, which I'm gonna assume here, that's the decision from Ubisoft as a publisher and doesn't make Uplay as the service / store better or worse.

New User
Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted December 26, 2013
I hate Ubisoft. So much of what they do makes the game industry a worse place: annual copy pasted sequels, DRM, dickish comments about PC gamers. They basically make EA look like a bunch of choir boys.

Registered: Apr 2009
From Australia
Posted December 26, 2013

Night Person
Registered: Dec 2008
From Romania
Posted December 26, 2013
@Siannah the Dynasty abilities and weapons are available only if you are on UPlay. The pirates, found an workaround for that, but the paying customers are still forced to be logged for accessing those abilities....

Zero fox given.
Registered: Nov 2008
From Germany
Posted December 26, 2013
I'll say this about UPlay - I don't hate it or love it any less or more than I do Steam. I haven't bought any games for it outside of retail, and installing UPlay games from disc is a much simpler process than Steam games from disc. The patching is a little cumbersome, but other than that, as DRM systems go, it's no worse than Steam or Origin.

New User
Registered: Dec 2008
From Germany
Posted December 26, 2013
As an example I bought Driver San francisco on steam, now there's some races and cars you can only access though that nonsensical achievement reward system. Which basically means uplay lets you access content you bought only if they feel you jumped through hoops like a good boy.
It wouldn't even be the worst thing ever (but still not low on the fucking bullshit list either), if it actually worked, but nope, contacting support gets you a nice "lol I dunno". Effectively cutting me out froms tuff I paid for.
And thus from my personal experience it a really shitty system that has no meaning at all and is a general waste of resources.
It wouldn't even be the worst thing ever (but still not low on the fucking bullshit list either), if it actually worked, but nope, contacting support gets you a nice "lol I dunno". Effectively cutting me out froms tuff I paid for.
And thus from my personal experience it a really shitty system that has no meaning at all and is a general waste of resources.
Post edited December 26, 2013 by WBGhiro

Registered: Jun 2011
From Germany
Posted December 26, 2013
No, in general Steam and Origin are just working - Uplay is just a broken piece of crap.
Come on, Steam has a working(!) DLC contributions system, Ubisoft is unable to offer an automatic DLC Installation for one of their main titles from 2012!
If Uplay downloads a patch or a game it automatically uses my complete bandwith and i am not able to use Spotify anymore, i never experienced this with with Origin or Steam...
If i activate a Steam Game at Origin I am able to run it without Steam. Uplay? Forget it...
In the last years I had more compatibility problems with Uplay than with Steam and Origin combined.
Come on, Steam has a working(!) DLC contributions system, Ubisoft is unable to offer an automatic DLC Installation for one of their main titles from 2012!
If Uplay downloads a patch or a game it automatically uses my complete bandwith and i am not able to use Spotify anymore, i never experienced this with with Origin or Steam...
If i activate a Steam Game at Origin I am able to run it without Steam. Uplay? Forget it...
In the last years I had more compatibility problems with Uplay than with Steam and Origin combined.

Registered: Sep 2008
From Switzerland
Posted December 26, 2013

It wouldn't even be the worst thing ever (but still not low on the fucking bullshit list either), if it actually worked, but nope, contacting support gets you a nice "lol I dunno". Effectively cutting me out froms tuff I paid for.
How's that different from a Saint's Row, where you get automatically access to different vehicels / weapons, depending on your progress in the storyline / side activities?
The only difference is, that you CAN get them but don't have to and aren't getting them automatical.
You may not like that system, but this isn't a Uplay problem but game design decisions. Without Uplay, it would probably have been the same points where you'd get / unlock them, just for getting that far.
Can't say much about the not working part, sure sucks if it doesn't. But one part you've gotten wrong about it - you didn't paid for it. These rewards are free stuff you CAN get, much like free DLCs. And don't tell me they enhance your game so much, you'd consider it "incomplete" without it. ;)

New User
Registered: Dec 2008
From Germany
Posted December 26, 2013

And yes while i still enjoyed the game anyways, I really wanted that one car too and the thing just left enough sour tadste in my mouth to not get any uplay games.

Post edited December 26, 2013 by WBGhiro