bmxjouster: Does anyone know about how often they upload new games to the site? I've known about GOG for a LONG time now, but this Interplay sale finally pushed me into joining the site and picking up some games. So while I've periodically checked it out, I've never done so enough to see how often they update their library of games.
Also, is there a limit to how new of a game they'll upload, or do they just upload whatever they get the license for regardless of the date of publication? I think the newest game I saw was from 2005 or so.
One more often do they have sales like the one they had just now? I realize this was a 1-year anniversary sale, but do they have other sales as well? Like, weekly or monthly sales, or just completely random sales?
They usually upload one new game per week and one mini-sale/weekend deal per week. The weekend deal is either thematic (pinball games, flight-sim games) or from a particular publisher.
For the date of publication limit, I think the newest one is a 2006 game which name I forget.