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somegamer786 pls go
JCD-Bionicman: ... this garbage you've posted would have taken the better of me on a bad day. Funny how trollers always trollcall.
As opposed to the thoughtful, rational and balanced posts you've made here before? Because I'm sure I'd expect nothing but objectivity from someone with the user title of "Liberal? Burn."
low rated
rampancy: As opposed to the thoughtful, rational and balanced posts you've made here before? Because I'm sure I'd expect nothing but objectivity from someone with the user title of "Liberal? Burn."
Please quote a "rational thoughtful" piece from a liberal, and an "irrational unthoughtful post" I've made recently. Are we talking about the thread where I assert passively I don't like homosexuals, but where I quite objectively note I may have been biased, and still was demonized? Or are we talking about the thread I argued with orcishgamer about capitalism?

At how often I've had to hear liberals frothing at the mouth about bigotry of minorities and gays, and the poor, poor poor (who don't even seem to be literate from what we've seen of them on occupy wall street), I've earned the right to have that subtitle in my profile. If someone is a moderate liberal then I'm sorry that they've been caught in the crossfire, but if they're hard left they can simply fuck off. I don't care enough to even respect them on a basic level and shouldn't as they've never respected me. You're definitally hard left. Pfft, it's even worse than I thought. You represent me as some biased republican puppet, but you don't even have the decency to quote an actual counterargument, instead, a fucking internet demotivational. I had assumed this was an article and was about to read it.
But yet, I am biased conservative puppet.
I think it's funny how the OP seems to know nothing about how this works and is suggesting that it's propaganda. Which it isn't, anybody who really cares about those figures knows how they're tabulated.
Don't post bullshit, or at least be prepared for a clusterfuck if you do. Don't go crying that I'm a troll or something if you can't show respect.
Post edited September 17, 2012 by JCD-Bionicman
I've always known unemployment is way worse than the numbers usually fed to audiences by the news. All someone has to do is look up the info at the Bureau of Labor Statistics and read the U-6 unemployment rate.

Also while many people do have jobs, many of them are low-end, low-skilled, low-paying part-time jobs like in retail. I'm a college graduate with a four year degree in management and I'm currently working at the same crappy retail job that I started doing back in 2007 as seasonal work. Now I'm part-time with take-home pay averages of less than $500 per month. It's so bad that I can't even get into the Army at the moment because the poor economy gave bureaucrats an excuse to raise medical waiver standards in order to reduce enlistments. Now the military-approved corrective eye procedure I had (visian icl) in 2009 is now considered a "disqualifier" even though the Army performed the same procedure on hundreds of soldiers and the bureaucrats even admitted that they approved the surgery. My only hope right now is to wait out the recession until medical waiver standards return back to normal but that may not be until two years from now. Until then, I'm stuck living at my childhood home working at my crappy part-time retail job wondering why I even bothered going to college.

Yes, things are definitely way worse then what the news and the politicians claim.
I think my brain's melting...
infinite9: Yes, things are definitely way worse then what the news and the politicians claim.
Is it, really? Don't know it is in the USA, but around here, many people working are actually not registered as workers because their employers don't want to pay taxes and benefits, yet they both work and get care that's supposed to help unemployed families.

So if anything, here, the numbers are way off.
infinite9: It's so bad that I can't even get into the Army at the moment because the poor economy gave bureaucrats an excuse to raise medical waiver standards in order to reduce enlistments. Now the military-approved corrective eye procedure I had (visian icl) in 2009 is now considered a "disqualifier" even though the Army performed the same procedure on hundreds of soldiers and the bureaucrats even admitted that they approved the surgery. My only hope right now is to wait out the recession until medical waiver standards return back to normal but that may not be until two years from now.
Wait wut?
infinite9: It's so bad that I can't even get into the Army at the moment because the poor economy gave bureaucrats an excuse to raise medical waiver standards in order to reduce enlistments. Now the military-approved corrective eye procedure I had (visian icl) in 2009 is now considered a "disqualifier" even though the Army performed the same procedure on hundreds of soldiers and the bureaucrats even admitted that they approved the surgery. My only hope right now is to wait out the recession until medical waiver standards return back to normal but that may not be until two years from now.
JCD-Bionicman: Wait wut?
infinite9: Until then, I'm stuck living at my childhood home working at my crappy part-time retail job wondering why I even bothered going to college.
That really sucks. If you have finished college already why are you thinking of enlisting? Is your current job that bad? :(
infinite9: Until then, I'm stuck living at my childhood home working at my crappy part-time retail job wondering why I even bothered going to college.
Nirth: That really sucks. If you have finished college already why are you thinking of enlisting? Is your current job that bad? :(
I've been wanting to join the Army for a long time. Even if my current job wasn't that bad and even if I had plenty of hours or a high enough pay grade to pay off expenses, I would still try to enlist. I actually tried to get into the Army before through ROTC at college but it took so long to get a medical waiver approved for bad eyesight (this was before my surgery) that I didn't get enough opportunities to show my leadership skills so I wasn't allowed to contract even though I did more than what was asked of me and volunteered for crap work.

Joining the Army is something that I really want to do and I feel I need to do. Otherwise I will always see myself as a nobody. I'm not saying that anyone who doesn't serve is automatically a nobody but I will see myself as one if I don't.
The Unemployment rate of Belarus is less than 1%

Can someone please explain to me why "First world countries" like the US and the UK don't have these statistics?
Roman5: The Unemployment rate of Belarus is less than 1%
LOL, I checked for my country (Belgium, 7,7% unemployment rate according tp the IMF). Those numbers must be taken with a pinch of salt because it really depends on where you live exactly (there's a 25% unemployement rate in my region, up to 30% in the village next to mine) and the people living on social welfare aren't even taken into account.

I've known this for about a year. How many others know about this?
It all depends on the definition. If you count the workforce between 20 and 60 and how many of them are working you only get numbers between 60 and 70% with a drop of about 5% about 5 years ago when the bubble finally bursted and a very slow increase since then.

Some stay at home and do not work in an official sense, but household duties, sabatticals, keeping things away from your working partner, taking care of children or an ill relative... it might not be paid but one could see it as work.

In the end, what does it mean. It means the economy is probably even worse than people think, and always was because the favorable definition of unemployment as actively seeking but not finding is not new. But the real question is what can be done about it. It's the free market. It works by itself. So one should ask: why isn't the market working.
Post edited September 19, 2012 by Trilarion
It is working. The most fundamental price in the economy, the price of money itself, is centrally planned as carefully as a Soviet commissar could want, and the effects of the present policy are to discourage saving and investment. People are behaving accordingly, protecting themselves as best they can from the stupid people in power.
generalripper: It is working. The most fundamental price in the economy, the price of money itself, is centrally planned as carefully as a Soviet commissar could want, and the effects of the present policy are to discourage saving and investment. People are behaving accordingly, protecting themselves as best they can from the stupid people in power.
I am not sure what is the message. Are you in favor of higher interest rates in order to achieve more growth? Or who should be in charge of the "price of money" instead?