Ok now I've finally tried out Exult as well. My main point was to find out how good (and true to the original) audio it has.
Installing Exult was easy, just install GOG versions first, then install Exult, telling it where your GOG Ultima 7 and Serpent Isle are installed.
After that Exult gives many options for audio:
1. Use the default sound options (GM).
This basically translates the original Roland CM-32L music to General MIDI format on the fly, apparently. The music sounds pretty good overall, but if you are a purist, it is not the same as the original Roland music. Also, with it you will be missing many sound effects that are there with real Roland, e.g. during the intro (the "TV static" sound, or the sound of Guardian's face appearing on the screen; and I presume many latter sound effects too).
2. Use Exult's internal Roland MT-32 emulator
For this you need the same, original Roland MT-32/CM-32L ROM files as with Munt. Put them into Exult data directory, the documentation says CM-32L ROMs are preferred (so maybe Ultima 7 music actually is more correct on Roland LAPC-1/CM-32L, than the older MT-32?).
Exult's Roland synthesizer doesn't appear to be up to same level as Munt's. To me it sounded somewhat like some old version of Munt, with wrong and erratic sounds here and there. Also, I think this was also missing some of the sound effects from the original.
3. Digitized Roland music
For this you also need to download and install the all-in-one audio data pack from Exult site. It includes all the Roland MT-32 music in digital OGG files, which play during the game. So you must set in Exult audio setup digitized music as "enabled", and also remember to set SFX as enabled.
With this you seem to get fully correct Roland music, after all they are recorded from a real Roland unit. Unfortunately, some Roland sound effects play wrong or not at all. Like again in the intro, you get the TV static sound for awhile, but it isn't synchronized with what you see on the screen. And the "Guardian head appearing" sound seems to be missing altogether. But at least the music appears correct.
There were other audio options too, but I think those three above are the relevant ones.
So my verdict is that if you want the best possible audio for Ultima 7 and are a purist, it means the GOG version with Munt emulator. But if you want to use Exult for its alleged gameplay enhancements and such, play Exult with either the digitized Roland music, or even with the default General MIDI music (which sounds ok, albeit different).
Post edited February 02, 2014 by timppu