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Well done, Britain. You can rest safely knowing you've let Brown stay in office another 5 years.
Another 5 years of paying the dead weight of the EU £45 million a day for nothing.
Another 5 years of bending over, spreading cheeks, and letting EU dictate UK trade policy.
Another 5 years of spending money we can not afford on useless projects.
Another 5 years of mismanagement and fear-mongering.
Another 5 years of shafting the general public.
Another 5 years of paying for others failed economies.
Another 5 years of not being allowed to stop immigration, illegal or not.
Labour : Its never worked for the UK!
Trouble is, Labour, Lib-Dems and Tories are all as bad as each other these days :-\
I haven't been paying attention. What's the fuss about?
Wasn't it practically a draw between labour and conservatives? Didn't labour lose like 90 seats in the parliament? What would have changed if the conservatives had gotten the prime minister instead?
Lone3wolf: Well done, Britain. You can rest safely knowing you've let Brown stay in office another 5 years.
Another 5 years of paying the dead weight of the EU �45 million a day for nothing.
Another 5 years of bending over, spreading cheeks, and letting EU dictate UK trade policy.
Another 5 years of spending money we can not afford on useless projects.
Another 5 years of mismanagement and fear-mongering.
Another 5 years of shafting the general public.
Another 5 years of paying for others failed economies.
Another 5 years of not being allowed to stop immigration, illegal or not.
Labour : Its never worked for the UK!
Trouble is, Labour, Lib-Dems and Tories are all as bad as each other these days :-\

Ummm, it's a democracy it work. You're speaking as if 'Britain' did nothing yesterday, and the leaders are simply tossing coins to see who gets the job. People voted how they wished, so don't be a sore loser. ;)
You are not going to get another 5 years of Gordon Brown. It's a hung parliament and that means Labor will have to do a deal with the LibDems to stay in power. There is no way Brown is going to be allowed to stay on after losing an election. Even if he ignores that fact and tried to stay in power the British media will tear him apart as he is already an un-elected Prime Minister.
It's barely been five hours and people are already making hung parliament jokes.
The fuss is Labour always screw the country in favour of themselves, and Europe.
The fuss is we cannot afford to keep spending money the way Labour policies say we have to.
The fuss is Labour badly distorting the truth about their policies and saying it will be worse under anyone else.
The fuss is we need a strong government to clean up yet another Labour fiasco.
The fuss is with a hung parliament, there'll be so many back-door deals nothing of substance will be decided, acted or probably even thought about as possible.
The fuss is all three "main" parties are as bad as each other in the last fifteen years or so.
The UK economy is in trouble at the moment, but not nearly as much trouble as the European "superstate" economy, but that is going to change very fast with the amount of money France and Germany have invested in other country's governments. Look at Greece, now, for example :
France has £50 Billion invested.
Germany has £30 Billion invested.
UK has £10 Billion invested.
Given the history of Labour's economic policy of paying everything it can to Europe for little-to-no-return, where do you think the EU is going to be looking to cover some of those losses? France? Spain? Italy? Portugal?
I don't think so, Tim.
In 2005, the UK paid around £35billion to the EU, almost all of which went to Spain to subsidise its Fishing Industry and build many thousands of kilometres of new roads. Do you know how much money the UK Fishing Industry has been subsidised since, or how well it is fairing in the last five years?
It's not a pretty picture.
Practically a draw, yes, but Tories got a small majority. Nothing definitive.
This "first past the post" system needs to be changed. It's a farce. It's probably undemocratic.
I can't wait to return to the 1970s under the new Labour/Lib-Dem amalgamation. Anyone here old enough to remember what they did to the country the last time they formed a coalition?

Three-Day working weeks;
Power cuts;
rampant public sector strikes;
Exorbitant pay rise demands of upto 40% for public workers.
To be honest, I can't see Cameron being much better. No matter what deals are worked out this week, UK is the loser.
michaelleung: It's barely been five hours and people are already making hung parliament jokes.

They were making them before as well.
Well I'm not a huge fan of Gordon Brown, I think Labour are good (apart from Mandelson) compared to the conservatives and Liberal Democrats.
It's apparently more likely that the Brits will get an uneasy alliance of Cameronites and Cleggians (great names for Master of Orion races, by the way) than a continued Brownie government; at least until a new election may become inevitable within a year from now. The last thing the depressed and underperforming populist wannabes in the Liberal Democrats want at this point - especially if there is another election relatively soon - is to be known as the party which let the spectacularly unpopular Gordon Brown get re-elected despite having a really bad day at the polls...
Post edited May 07, 2010 by KEgstedt
Yes yes yes, it all sucks. Why are you blaming Britain when you say yourself there arn't many alternatives. I personally am hoping for a Lib-Tor coalition.
Yeah, better this than Cameron and the tories cutting everything to the bone just so they can line their buddies' pockets. Just look how well that strategy has worked out for Ireland.
Labour have always been, and always will be morally and financially bankrupt.
Their desperation to join the EU is killing what little economy they haven't squandered away.
The UK economy was designed for the Commonwealth, not the EU. Giving the EU (read France and Germany) discretionary and legal powers over who the UK can and cannot trade with, at what prices they must use, and begging for permission first is all but a treasonable act, not in the best interests of the UK.
The EU needs the UK far more than the UK will ever need the EU.
Free Trade Agreements within the EEC made the UK a financial powerhouse when it was using the Commonwealth to the benefit of all, not just the treasuries of France and Germany.
Greece is about to collapse. Spain and Portugal all but dissolved into insolvency. Italy's always been a mess. France and Germany are very close to broke with their investments in Greece, and bailing Spain and Portugal and Italy out with UK monies.
The European Courts of Human Rights and attendant laws/directives and whatnot dictate UK foreign Policy and tell us we cannot police our own borders, we have to allow as many people as want in to work in the UK, and worse yet, cannot deport illegals and criminals!
There's another 120,000+ EU directives all geared for the betterment of France and Germany, to the cost of the UK.
UK is no longer a valid state under Labour and the EU. We're a "European Region" that just happens to pay through the nose to subsidise half of Europe, and receives almost nothing back from it except crazy laws, immigrants and demands for more money.
I'm not saying Tories or Lib-Dems will be any better : IMO, they're all 3 as bad as each other. Labour are just the most recent party to promise many things, then deliver the complete opposite. Trouble is, the younger generation don't remember the last time Labour drove UK to bankruptcy. Protip : Google "UK Winter of Discontent".
Horrifying read. I'm just old enough to remember the state the country was in after that and the early 80s.
Thatcher had to fight tooth-and-nail to get an EU rebate for all the money that had been promised them. EU asked Blair and Brown to give it all back and THEY DID! Without even a whimper, let alone a fight. Blair wanted the EU Presidency for the first year in return. France and Germany promised that, got the UK's money, then turned around and laughed at Blair and told him "There's no chance you're being nominated for the Presidency - we want one of our own in there."
Still think Labour works?
go away.
Is there really any need for political rants on GOG? Anyone as blindly against one party as you seem to be is never going to view things neutrally or change their opinions. They've already made up their mind and nothing will ever change it.
Personally, I think that's a sad state of affairs, but it seems to be more and more common now that the internet allows people to stick in their own political bubbles and avoid exposure to any kind of challenging or opposing views. Simply sniping at the other side and patting each other on the back in self contratulating ways.
Do you really think things would be much different if another party had been in power for the past 10 years? The same world event s would have happened, and most of the same responses would have occured. There might be a few small cosmetic differences to individual policies, but if you think the country would be a dramatically different place then I think you're fooling yourself.
17 years of a conservative government and people were saying the exact same things. then 10 years of a labor government and it's the same thing again. 10 years of a conservative government and it'll be the same thing again.
Simple fact is that politicians don't have much power, and can't have much effect. They're simply trying their best to weather the unpredictable events of the world.
Blind people ranting on either side of the political divide are sometimes a funny sight, but I don't think we need to fill up GOG with that rubbish.
Whichever party forms the government, nothing will change, and people will be wanting to get rid of them in 10 years or less. Bet on it.
The problem of the uk is the unfair voting system, the liberals got more than 22% of all votes, but due to the system they got only ca 8% of all seats.
Post edited May 07, 2010 by dragonmaster
I'll be the lone voice from the States to chime in here.
I really do feel for those in the UK who think their government, their elections, and their entire democratic process is broken. Its something that we deal with on a daily basis, and its mainly due to our insane form of government. You see, as much as I feel for you I also think that you should be happy that you have a system of government that allows for a viable third party. You've got yourself a hung parliament, and that is going to necessitate a coalition government. The LibDems and Labour will have to work together and that is certainly SOME sort of change at least. Look at what we got...
We were fed sunshine, togetherness, and liberal change. And what did we do? We ate it all hook line and sinker. We expect our president to come into office and start with that whole "Change we can believe in" stuff. Instead, we have come to realize, as we should have all along, that he is more or less the same corporatist, self aggrandizing, all-talk-and-no-show politician that we've come to expect from our leaders. You could blame his lack of "change" on the economic crisis. But he hasn't done a single thing he promised. And some of those things wouldn't cost a dime. Don't get me started on his support for off-shore drilling.
Don't even get me started on our houses of congress. Two heads connected to the same beast. Only one tells you its gonna bend you over to your face, while the other sweet talks you into a good reaming. We have no chance of a "hung congress". We have no chance for another voice. The only other third party in our country is made up of people who more or less want anarchy and abolishment of the government altogether.
So, yes I understand your ire. But I feel like you should be thankful you can get a third voice in there at all.
Post edited May 07, 2010 by morhlis
This sort of makes me glad we have like 7 fairly major parties. Democracy is fundamentally broken anyway, yet the best alternative for governing we have at the moment. The faults of democracy are greatly dimished by spreading power and support across multiple parties instead of just 2-3.