HereForTheBeer: The manufacturer is not on the hook for providing the buyer with a special road to drive on with other buyers of the brand, is not responsible to provide free cosmetic upgrades to the vehicle, does not have to provide performance enhancements that were not installed at the time of the original sale, and is not on the hook for free repairs or modifications for design issues that go beyond the scope of safety issues or Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, or that weren't specifically covered under the warranty agreement. I can't think of any safety issues, or safety standards, for computer games but I can think of plenty of "well, it sure would be nice it this ran a bit smoother or the graphics were a bit prettier."
orcishgamer: Original buyers rarely get free repairs at the shop (seriously most warranties don't cover much past 36,000 miles) either. Second hand buyers aren't asking for special roads, that analogy sucks. Gaming companies are saying "You can only play this on our servers and we'll provide one play slot per game... until it gets resold then somehow we can't afford to keep providing said playslot." That may be the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard, someone who keeps playing their game for 5 years straight costs less than 2 people playing it sequentially over 5 years? Hint, they cost the same. And people would be happy to drive on public or 3rd party "roads" if the manufacturers weren't forcing them into driving only on their special road.
The entire car analogy sucks. Every analogy is going to suck because there isn't anything else out there quite like software in general and games with an online component in particular. I'm only using the analogy someone else started. Whether or not the whole "one slot and one source for servers" thing sucks (it does), it's the company's choice to do it that way and the consumer's choice whether or not to buy into it.
With regard to the comment about one user over 5 years or two users over 5 years, it's entirely skipping the point that the original buyer is likely selling the game because he or she no longer plays it. When he doesn't play it any more, then that person's burden on the servers goes away. So hint: they do not necessarily cost the same since the original copy on my hard drive might be collecting digital dust after 18 months.
HereForTheBeer: Like what? In this case, I suppose that would be online play. But they only made that promise to the original purchaser.
orcishgamer: No they didn't, they said, "Here is our product and it works like this." Except now they've engineered a system where they can arbitrarily take away a feature people generally like from selected folks that do something with their purchase that they don't like (i.e. resellers and second hand buyers).
Let me reiterate this is the bed they made, they made it this way on purpose, there's no bloody reason to feel sorry for these buttheads, because this is the the way they want it.
EDIT: If you bought a used car and the manufacturer turned off the included navigation system, demanding 200 bucks to make it work again, wouldn't you be pissed? You bet you would, it's a cash grab, just like this.
If it's in the EULA, then that's the promise they made to the original buyer. Going back to the flawed auto analogy, automakers do the same thing with warranty coverage. You bought it new or someone bought it used, but if you make a claim to repair something that was neglected or abused, the OEM is under no obligation to fix it for free. In other words, "they've engineered a system where they can arbitrarily take away a feature [the warranty coverage] people generally like from selected folks that do something with their purchase that they don't like [beat on the car]"
Tell you what, there's an easy fix for this that you're not going to like, either. Ubi or whomever can simply change the labeling and / or EULA without changing the content of the bits and bytes:
"This software comes with an optional online gameplay and support component, free to use by the original purchaser of a new copy of the software. Users with a legally-purchased second-hand copy are able to access this optional content for a small fee."
Tada, problem solved. Like it or not, that's how they're doing it and you and I and everyone else can decide whether or not to accept it. As you say, that's the bed they made. The market will determine if that bed is comfy, or if it's lumpy and covered with bedbugs. Within a year it'll probably go away or morph into something that works better for both publisher and consumer. I suppose, similar to automotive safety standards, we could ask to have the FCC and FTC involved in setting video game design and use standards...
Ubi has made no promises to the used market. It is not their responsibility to ensure that used games retain a certain market value. The online content is there, it can be accessed by a relatively small fee, and the second-hand buyer can take it or leave it. If that brings down the prevailing price of used Ubi games, then that's how it goes. Chrysler Corp doesn't have a responsibility to used car sellers because the residual value absolutely blows from perpetually crappy product. If you think the market won't adjust to the manipulation of used product values, take a good look at the long-term results of Cash for Clunkers.
Those buyers who continually purchase games knowing that they will recoup some portion of the cost 2-12 months down the road through reselling will now take into consideration the possibility of reduced used-market prices for Ubi titles and will change their buying habits accordingly. Or not - it's up to them. For the casual reseller, it's not going to matter a whole lot. I know there are a lot of people who don't resell at all and for whom this policy doesn't have an obvious effect.
RE: your edit.
Another incorrect analogy since Ubi isn't preventing the game from running. Fixing your analogy, suppose the car comes with out-of-date nav data. You'll have to pay the OEM to get a new data disk.
orcishgamer: Umm, why should they? Why the heck are video games some special snowflake? The RIAA doesn't get a cut of used CD sales. Authors don't get a cut of used book sales. No hard goods manufacturer gets a cut of used sales.
What reasonable justification can you put forth to explain such a stance. Just because you really like video games doesn't really cut it.
Because the book and CD publisher doesn't have support costs related to continued use (reading or listening) of those products. The used market extends the life of video games beyond the original sale (isn't that the point of our beloved GOG?), and thus extends the online support costs for those products, to include gameplay servers. Of course, most of that goes away if they would allow anyone to create gameplay servers; that's not exactly the main point of this matter, but it certainly contributes. Either way, the PC game market has evolved to the point where the consumers' interaction with the publisher extends well beyond the retail sale and is an expected "value-add". When the second-hand market expands the cost of value-add by second-hand consumers who didn't buy the product through the publisher, someone in accounting is going to notice the higher costs and will suggest that something be done about it. For Ubi, this is that 'something'.