acare84: Dreamkiller. This game is not a game it is just like a nightmare.
Agreed. I played it on the free weekend. Damn extra hard game with unmanagable archivements, weak OST, retarded script and the countless enemies were killing any gameplay fun. Actually, it's one the three games I will list indirectly.
Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones. It could've been a really good game,really.Maybe the best game Ubisoft had released along Beyond Good and Evil and SoT.
Just look at the
E3-demo and
the first screens, it had anything a PoP-fan would wish, to be the ultimate SoT-game with both best elements of SoT and WW. But then somehow like Resident Evil 3.5 they changed everything into scratch one, from awesome to medicore downright ugly designs and a forced SoT-athmosphere which most diffenetly didn't fill in.Too short, way too short, annoying QTE, no more Prince/Farah bonding like in SoT, stupid plot with contradictions to both prior games, reduced combat system, the Dark Prince was a terrible experience, his combat is too repetitive, he was too strong, you rarely had any options to actually play with him because your life was draining away and the transformation points were too random, and last but not least, censorship and Starfroce DRM(which still is in retailer versions still sold on Amazon and elsewere with out a tool to remove it).
It makes me wonder what the hell went inside the PoP-production to turn it downright horrible.
It was nothing like it was advertized since the E3 '05. Really, at early interviews they promised so much:
Free-World system with day and night change, improved combat system, the freedom to change from LP to DP and so on to influence the endings outcome, a more complex story and a stealth kill system. Really, not this QTE shit, a real stealth system like in SC.And then the graphics with much more gameplay...
well, game was made right after WW so it could've bean that they dropped too much due the change within the art department's handling with PoP,or undertook to much at the same time starting with the AC-project and the short time limit, and maybe taking too much note from GoW and made the best out of what was to rescue.
Somehow I disliked Ubisoft's releases afterwards, like AC and new PoP. And probably will stay until I see a good PoP-game again, and it will not be TFS. Not by a longshot.
Metal Gear Solid 4: Seriously, isn't that more of a movie than a game? When I saw the walkthrough on youtube(didn't had any PS3 at the time) I expected some refreshing spy-game like the other 3 forerunners, but this is downright shit. Too many and too long curscenes, incomprehensible retarded plot, uninteresting boss battles, ANGST and too short gameplay. One of the first "PS3 HAS NO GAEMS" blockbuster shits.
Mirror's Edge:
What do you get when your art departments went from good graphics to overfaggotry perfection? You have this unplaybale piece of shit. My mother board overloaded 4 times due this fucking shitbag(and I have one of the newer systems with all RAM and Dual-core etc), and you don't even have a patch to fix it. Another reason EA should fuck themself. First doing a good horror(Dead Space), than fucking their port up and then only release console games(Dante's Inferno) due their incompetence.