niniendowarrior: I've never encountered this issue. Are you sure you're simply jumping onto places Lara isn't supposed to go? That's what my Tomb Raider training taught me.
I play with mouse and keyboard on the Thailand demo and I didn't have any problems whatsoever.
Big_Boss: This game is killing me.
I just completed the second level of the game (Thailandia) but this game is junk. I was forty damned minutes on a simple jump! And I'm using a 360 pad! The game simply don't recognize the gripping point too many times, and Lara falls to the death.
niniendowarrior: Yes,I'm jumping on the right place.
By the way, I'm now into the third level of Mexico location...I'm proceding only because I bought this game, but I'm really hating it. The plot is simply non-existent, the puzzles are stupid and the game is really buggy. Ah, I saw on Steam game hub that bugs are "random", some people run the game smoothly, some people, like me, have several problems. And there is a costant stuttering, for me, I can't find a way to avoid it :(