Some quotes (not that you couldn't see these on the forum, obviously; I just posted b/c these stood out to me:
"@ OP, You idiot...Steam has sales of up to 80% off... I'm not talking about a specific sale right now or in the past. Dumbass. So they might buy it on Steam WHEN IT GOES ON SALE. Want me to draw you a picture?"
"I have a GOG account for a few years but have yet to buy anything from them as steam sales always get my spending money before them. So I'm for one glad they are on steam as it is my preferred digital platform. But GOG does pay better homage to the older games and test them for better compatibility before release; so to that I respect them. Also a DRM-less exe is usually more friendly to exe hacks or cheats or mods. Someday tho I will buy Decent Freespace off GOG and update it with the opensource updates."
"So why even ask this. I personally hate GoG and would never buy anything from them. The better question is: Who doesn't own these games already. And why is TR1 2 GB in size. "
"Why would you hate GoG? I prefer to buy my games on Steam for convenience but I like GoG's business strategy: not treating customers like criminals. I wish more companies in the game industry would take their lead *cough*EA*cough*"
" ['Why would you hate GoG'] was going to be my question. The only thing I don't like about them is they don't have a convenient download/installation managing system like Steam and Desura (though those can also be annoying *cough* Impulse *cough*). Apart from that, I can't think of anything negative about them."
TR2 forum:
"@Tasty Toasted Toad, I totally agree, there is no point in having many accounts, specially when Steam is the best among them.
One Account To Rule Them All. ;) "
Yeah I'm going to take your word for it as exposure to that much stupity(those posts in the links not your post) can't possibly be good for one's well being.