Posted February 16, 2010

apparently not.
But let me get this straight, you went to QUEENSLAND expecting to find something that was banned somewhere? "Banned In Queensland" was often used as an endorsement of horror movies in the 80s & 90s. As far as I can tell, the only thing the state is missing is micheal atkinson
Yeah, ezyDVD stocks it but won't deliver it to Victorian residents.
And no, I didn't go to Queensland solely for Underbelly. Was attending an ex-girlfriend's wedding, got to see her and her family after 10 years, met the lucky guy and so on. But then I went all over the CBD looking for the first season of Underbelly with no luck.
Planning on getting married any time soon? Best friendz 4 lyfe et cetera? =P
I might just do the unthinkable, and import it from the land of common sense (New Zealand).