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Rohan15: A 10 is something like Indigo Prophecy.
Tyler62092: Great game, but how would I be able to recognize a person under the influence of Indigo Prophecy when I see them?
Any person experiencing the effects of LSD or with a case of self-mutilation and black outs. Your call. =p
Rohan15: Any person experiencing the effects of LSD or with a case of self-mutilation and black outs. Your call. =p
This is good to know. Who knows what might happen if I didn't know this!
Tyler62092: Snippity
You should still buy The Guild. Good times, good times.
Rohan15: You should still buy The Guild. Good times, good times.
meh, I might.
Wait, you mean your life isn't already legally bound to the GOG forums? Lightweight.
I love the idea of the game. I don't like the execution.

The politics, the intrigue, the acting behind other's backs is what could make it so amazing and compelling. The problem is that you are bogged down with keeping your trade going for much of the game time as the AI of your employees is so incredibly bad. And sadly organising your company isn't particularly fun. It's just repetitive.

That said - I am not into multiplayer - I can see it gaining a lot played against human opponents.
I like the Guild 2 - Renaissance, does that count?

And yes, I do own the Guild gold, bought from this very store, but I haven't even played it yet :D
Aliasalpha: Dude, I think its time you admit you have a problem...
You calmly use the word "Dude" yet you think he has a problem!

As for new members : SUP N00BS! :D
Rohan15: Joe obviously has a problem and needs an intervention,
TheJoe: If loving The Guild is a problem, I don't want to be unproblematic.
I' confused....damn my public school education!
KneeTheCap: I like the Guild 2 - Renaissance, does that count?

And yes, I do own the Guild gold, bought from this very store, but I haven't even played it yet :D
I personally don't like The Guild 2. I'll call you a Guild Agnostic.

Play the original.
TheJoe: Strategy guide? STRATEGY GUIDE? You do not deserve The Guild. But play it anyway.
LOL - Yes well I'm sorry I'm not the savant at The Guild that you are TheJoe :)

Apart from some of the repetitiveness I find myself struggling to stay profitable 90 percent of the time while my competition is getting titles left and right. Even into a second or third generation it feels much the same.

It does seem like a great game at heart, I just want to be better at it but feel like I need some guidance. Is it a normal experience to struggle with your first generation character?

Please enlighten me with your Guildly magnificence ^___^

wpegg: TheJoe has obviously not been so keen when it comes to helping out those that bought the game. I'm afraid the site I think you've found (europa1400.something) is all there is. The Guild is not some masterpiece that needs to be found, It's just a game. Not bad, but not particularly impressive. In no way worthy of its own thread.

Sorry Joe - but it's not that good.
Yeah that is the website. I found it rather unhelpful unfortunately. I feel that the Guild could be a fun simulator if it didn't seem so repetitive. But even its repetitiveness could be forgiven if I knew of a way of making the experience more rewarding. Instead I really do feel like a 15th century serf toiling away :(