jefequeso: To a certain extent, you're right. But considering that there isn't a single person in here that's ADVOCATING what the school did, you're rant about school prayer is completely unnecessary.
Bullshit, half the posters here are equivocating by saying she's selfish, dumb, and foolish wasting their city resources in such a manner. She is none of those things and denigrating her is simply letting your biases color the issue. She did nothing wrong. During every step of the way the city took an unreasonable and illegal position while she merely enforced her rights (and the rights of everyone else, religious and atheist alike, though I doubt many are wise enough to see that).
So my "rant' isn't about school prayer but how people have a way of shrugging this kind of shit off as "no big deal" when in fact it is a big deal and, in fact, is endemic a lot of the time.
We are better than that, or should be at least.
TCMU2009: Seriously Orcishgamer, calm the hell down. No one here, not even me, said that public prayer was a good idea. What I'm saying is that a completely harmless prayer banner was blown way out of proportion by a girl who clearly has a superiority complex about her beliefs. A little common sense applied here would have eliminated any problem. Your rant just makes you sound as bitter and anti religious as her.
Look up "blaming the victim" because that's what you're doing. That girl did nothing wrong and is simply standing up for what she's been taught is the way it's supposed to be. And in fact, it's the way it actually IS supposed to be.
She took and unpopular and brave stand to correct something that wasn't right, something that has likely affected people for the last 50 years, and you're criticizing her, instead of the city which was unreasonable at every step? If you don't realize why I'm saying "wait a minute here, this is bullshit and there's a long history of this very bullshit in the US" you really need to ponder a little, do some reading, ask some older folks, whatever.
You keep saying "harmless prayer banner", you're trivializing the whole thing by doing so. The damned thing didn't belong and should have been removed at the first polite request. Any damned kid that had listened in their social studies and US history classes could have told you as much.
Ah, here we go again, equating atheists to theists. I assure you it's not the same thing. I know why you argue it is. I've heard it before, but you're wrong.
As I quoted in the other thread, "Atheism is a religion in the same sense that 'not collecting stamps' is a hobby."