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Elmofongo: Skyrim is a Stealth Game :P
If you play Skyrim as pure stealth with bows and arrows it's actually pretty fucking fun, and somewhat Thief-like.
Elmofongo: Skyrim is a Stealth Game :P
StingingVelvet: If you play Skyrim as pure stealth with bows and arrows it's actually pretty fucking fun, and somewhat Thief-like.

In some ways, it looks like Skyrim is a better Thief game than Thief 4 will be.

As always, haven't played it yet, but with the track record of AAA companies have had lately... I am not holding my breath.
What, is this game on crack now? Why was everything so fast? :-)

But that's not THIEF
nadenitza: gameplay is the emphasis here, gameplay - the old thief titles are just a proof that you don't need great graphics to have a fantastic game. Sadly more and more nowadays graphics outweigh gameplay...
Arkose: It's not that the old Thief formula wouldn't sell, it's that Square Enix are obsessed with spending enormous amounts of money on a game and then need it to make all of that back.

Tomb Raider sold 3.4 million copies in the first month which Square Enix considered a failure--not because 3.4 million copies is a bad amount but because of this generation's ridiculously bloated budgets.

This is why Thief and so many other sequels/reboots are veering heavily towards being "cinematic", action-oriented and dumbed-down. Initially it was just because companies were greedy for more money, but the changes they made in pursuit of profit to make the games more widely appealing also led directly to increased development costs, so now things are at the point where they actually need (not just want) their games to sell many millions of copies before a game actually starts making what they would consider an acceptable profit.
That sounds logical and when you think about it it's a trap devs fall deeper and deeper, probably the reason many filed for bankruptcy in the recent times...
Elmofongo: Skyrim is a Stealth Game :P
StingingVelvet: If you play Skyrim as pure stealth with bows and arrows it's actually pretty fucking fun, and somewhat Thief-like.
But it all depends on the sneak skill, max that out just being in front of a guard while crouching and your invisible.

Sorry its the image ticked me off that I said things while reading that I do not want to post on the forums.
Post edited October 11, 2013 by Elmofongo


"insert double facepalm image"
Post edited October 11, 2013 by innerring
That looks pretty terrible.

Though supposedly the focus system and all those HUD messages completely turn off at the higher difficulty.