Posted February 26, 2014

Registered: Apr 2010
From United States

Homo Ludens
Registered: Nov 2013
From Pakistan
Posted February 26, 2014
Good overall review but where is the score man, how can we tell whether the game is good or not if it doesn't have a number from an arbitrary scale attached to it? :P. It was a good read though so please also tell us what did you think about the story after you finish the game as it is a major sticking point in a lot of reviews, thanks. :)
Thank you for sharing your honest opinion about the game having somebugs, this is exactly what bothers me about DLC the developers now release a buggy game which shouldn't have gone out like that in the first place and then have Day 1 DLC instead of working on patches to fix those bugs first.
Thank you for sharing your honest opinion about the game having somebugs, this is exactly what bothers me about DLC the developers now release a buggy game which shouldn't have gone out like that in the first place and then have Day 1 DLC instead of working on patches to fix those bugs first.
Post edited February 26, 2014 by stg83

Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted February 26, 2014

The Amazon review came out after the game was out for just a few hours (and I only played it a few hours) for the intent to inform early buyers that a lot of the gameplay elements that people were complaining about were totally bunk. But I'll update the review as I play more. I wasn't able to play at all last night, but I plan on abandoning my family today for it. Hehe.
Most people can attach a like/dislike to "story" elements, but many people fail to understand what makes them like or dislike a story. Usually, relatable, believable and exciting characters are what drive people to love or hate a story. So far, I've enjoyed the characters I've met.
A huge public thanks, by the way, to hucklebarry, for a copy of the game. This community has given me many gaming opportunities I just wouldn't be able to normally afford, and I'm glad I'm able to give back when I can.

Registered: Apr 2012
From Lithuania
Posted February 26, 2014
Didn't played the original trilogy but so far this game seems to be nowhere near the atrocious garbage everyone hoped it would be.

Homo Ludens
Registered: Nov 2013
From Pakistan
Posted February 26, 2014
4 stars, now that is high praise indeed. I understand what you are saying and agree that liking or disliking a story is purely subjective but it is a bit concerning that this aspect of the game has been almost universally panned in most critics reviews. To me it is quite important that the story better have a good payoff instead of ending in a whimper.
Big thanks +rep to huckleberry for his generosity as well as to you for putting so much effort into your rpg game giveaway which was unique and a really enjoyable experience. Indeed family must be shunned for a while to properly immerse yourself in a game, also I can actually tell what you are playing because I have you added on my friend list on steam because of your giveaway. ;)
Big thanks +rep to huckleberry for his generosity as well as to you for putting so much effort into your rpg game giveaway which was unique and a really enjoyable experience. Indeed family must be shunned for a while to properly immerse yourself in a game, also I can actually tell what you are playing because I have you added on my friend list on steam because of your giveaway. ;)
Post edited February 26, 2014 by stg83

Registered: Sep 2013
From United States
Posted February 26, 2014
I have a Thief 2014 Steam key and will trade it for all these games:
King of Dragon Pass
Cat Lady, The
Overlord + Raising Hell
Omikron: The Nomad Soul
So basically you can get Thief for about $15 off. PM me if your interested.
King of Dragon Pass
Cat Lady, The
Overlord + Raising Hell
Omikron: The Nomad Soul
So basically you can get Thief for about $15 off. PM me if your interested.

vita brevis
Registered: Jun 2013
From United Kingdom
Posted February 26, 2014

Registered: Sep 2010
From Bulgaria
Posted February 26, 2014
From what I saw the game is rather underwhelming. Sad but it's not like I'm surprised, stuff like experience for headshots, quick time events, "swooping" and other dumb crap (even though not all of this made it to the final product) showed that these people had no idea what they were doing.

Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted February 26, 2014
That was pretty funny. :)
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New User
Registered: Jul 2011
From United States
Posted February 26, 2014
I haven't head shot anyone. (nor have I entered combat). There are no quick time events. I have "swooped" once in the training mission and that is all. Just like the first 3 games... just because they give you the option to do things, doesn't mean you have to do them. They added MORE choice, which I can't fault at all. If you played the game and don't like it, that is fair, but you can't go by what others who also haven't played the final version are saying.

Registered: Apr 2010
From United States
Posted February 26, 2014

Even so, swooping isn't lame. It's just a quick forward jump to get out of the way of danger.
All of the bad reviews that I've seen are listing the things I like about the game as negative. And then they say they're negative because the first Thief didn't have it or it is implemented differently.
I guess. Whatever. As I said about Blacklist and Conviction -- everyone complaining seems to have not played the game. The game itself is different than its predecessors, but still very good.

New User
Registered: Sep 2008
From United States
Posted February 26, 2014
I guess there are different definitions of QTE.
I see tons of them when watching play vids.
Every use of the claw to climb, every drawer opened, every takedown, most or all of the taking of a piece of loot, seems to be a "mini" QTE from what I can see. Then there's constant "fly camera away from my eyes so I don't miss a scene then fly it back" QTE's quite frequently. And the "escape" sequences.
Then you have the "spam button to crowbar window open" (which then is auto-magically immediately closed right behind you) or "lift this beam" type of stuff while the game loads another tiny space. They're more or less "interactive" QTE's.
Looks like there's literally tons of QTE's, probably one every minute, from what I've seen. But then again, I don't have the game so cannot personally verify that.
[edit: typo]
I see tons of them when watching play vids.
Every use of the claw to climb, every drawer opened, every takedown, most or all of the taking of a piece of loot, seems to be a "mini" QTE from what I can see. Then there's constant "fly camera away from my eyes so I don't miss a scene then fly it back" QTE's quite frequently. And the "escape" sequences.
Then you have the "spam button to crowbar window open" (which then is auto-magically immediately closed right behind you) or "lift this beam" type of stuff while the game loads another tiny space. They're more or less "interactive" QTE's.
Looks like there's literally tons of QTE's, probably one every minute, from what I've seen. But then again, I don't have the game so cannot personally verify that.
[edit: typo]
Post edited February 26, 2014 by Martek

Registered: Sep 2008
From Czech Republic
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New User
Registered: Jul 2011
From United States
Posted February 26, 2014

I see tons of them when watching play vids.
Every use of the claw to climb, every drawer opened, every takedown, most or all of the taking of a piece of loot, seems to be a "mini" QTE from what I can see. Then there's constant "fly camera away from my eyes so I don't miss a scene then fly it back" QTE's quite frequently. And the "escape" sequences.
Then you have the "spam button to crowbar window open" (which then is auto-magically immediately closed right behind you) or "lift this beam" type of stuff while the game loads another tiny space. They're more or less "interactive" QTE's.
Looks like there's literally tons of QTE's, probably one every minute, from what I've seen. But then again, I don't have the game so cannot personally verify that.
[edit: typo]
"In video games, a quick time event (QTE) is a method of context-sensitive gameplay in which the player performs actions on the control device shortly after the appearance of an on-screen prompt. It allows for limited control of the game character during cut scenes or cinematic sequences in the game. Performing the prompted action improperly or not at all results in the character's failure at their task and often in an immediate game over."
By your "definition", every action in every game ever made is QTE.
To clarify, using the claw is no different than mantling. Picking pockets is the same as all other Thief games with the exception that you hold the button for 2 seconds instead of clicking once. Opening a drawer is a button click, same as opening a door in Thief 1. The escape sequences are likely the closest, but there are no on screen prompts... you just run Garrett away. They are short, seldom, and easy. The camera moving away is an in game cut scene, or story mode. That is different from other Thief Games. The windows with the crowbar... yeah, I think they should stay open, and some of them are unmarked load zones which is irritating when you are trying to find the next mission... but its still simply pressing buttons to make things in game happen.

Registered: Apr 2010
From United States