Emob78: Funny that this got brought up, was just thinking about it the other day. I started a new characters in New Vegas and told myself, 'this time this guy's gonna be a stone cold killer. He's gonna slaughter every person in New Vegas that he comes across, and trade their skins like beaver pelts. Yeah, he's gonna be bad-ass.'
Three hours into the game and I'm already helping out the NCR and doing nice fetch-it quests for nice old ladies. Something's wrong with me. I can't let my Machiavellian urges out... not even in a video game. I want to be bad, I really do. But then someone asks me if I'd help them restore the solar panels at HELIOS ONE... and I'm like, 'Ok. Why not?'
Damn you, RPGs... You hoodwink me every time. The tail is wagging the dog here.
LOL I just rerolled in NV as well. I decided to be a hand-to-hand douche hammer and punch everything I saw. Be a guy (I never play guys), follow Caesar and kill every NCR trooper I see, cause I've always hated the NCR, but my "questy do-gooder" nature kept making me good with them.
Needless to say, the NCR elite came knocking on my door telling me to shape-up or I was gonna get ganked. I then punched her in the back of the head. It was awesome!
I punched a deathclaw. Once. I died.