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Gazoinks: They're porting the Atari E.T., aren't they?
LMAO +1 for you sir.
DaeL: There's a lot of speculation about it on Polish gaming websites, but I'm not sure if it's OK to discuss it here... You know, it might spoil the surprise... What do you guys think?

Just to give you a hint - something that should not have been abandoned will be back. And in style.

So... should I spill the beans?
Gazoinks: They're porting the Atari E.T., aren't they?
OMG OMG OMG Please! Just shut up and take my money!

I can't wait to write the review:
If you like to fall down holes and then levitate out (but not quite all the way out as you will fall back down that same hole several time befor you get it right) and collecting Reeses Pieces for no apparent reason then this is the game for you!

If they bundle it with Atari 2600 PacMan then it's an insta-buy for me!

I unfortunately won't be able to watch the live confrence as they are always scheduled during my important work times, but I'll be severely disappointed if Mr. Enigmatic T doesn't throw in some obscure Shakespeare refrences. Though as a consolation I'd be happy if he came out wearing a white Geralt wig.
And what about poor GOG?
Every game ever made now, then, and in the future will be announced. GOG is taking over!
Hmm for GoG wasn't someone who is supposed to work for EA saying something in Twitter about getting expansions for games on GoG?

That would certainly be a big thing for GoG to get the missing expansions (no matter if they are free additions or paid addons). Plus they might have an outline for new releases of old and newer games.

As for the Witcher - honestly - I'd love to see another game (even though I can't play the second and my computer boarderline runs the first) but I'd like to see them strike out - maybe another RPG with a slightly different twist

**Oh and they could translate all those missing novels into english!)
I disagree with those saying a remade TW1 wouldn't be a good idea for the big announce tomorrow. I would LOVE to have a decently runnable TW1 experience(Even if it wasn;t on PC.), what with the slow fps speeds I get with TW1 on PC and all.
Ric1987: Every game ever made now, then, and in the future will be announced. GOG is taking over!
Time travel invented, all games now considered both old (and most good due to unlimited project timelines), GOG Library now infinite.
This thread is full of Win.
I heard they are going to buy the BHG MMO Property and give it to NCSoft because they know how to do MMO's
If I may add to the wild speculation.

Earlier in the year when it was announced that GOG was now officially in the "new game" business with the release of Legend of Grimrock an official statement from, I believe, Mr. Enigmatic T stated that they were in negotiation for a much anticipated sequel being released this year. Now the Witcher series is pretty much guaranteed to always be here, so that wouldn't be news so I have been looking at other possibilities. Could it be Far Cry 3?
Gazoinks: They're porting the Atari E.T., aren't they?
MrAlphaNumeric: LMAO +1 for you sir.
L'mao? The french cat?
DaeL: There's a lot of speculation about it on Polish gaming websites, but I'm not sure if it's OK to discuss it here... You know, it might spoil the surprise... What do you guys think?

Just to give you a hint - something that should not have been abandoned will be back. And in style.

So... should I spill the beans?
Gazoinks: They're porting the Atari E.T., aren't they?
I think i'm the only person that thinks the atari 2600 version of Pac-man sucked harder than E.T.?
Gazoinks: They're porting the Atari E.T., aren't they?
oldschool: I think i'm the only person that thinks the atari 2600 version of Pac-man sucked harder than E.T.?
I doubt you're the only one. Everybody thought Pac-man was a total piece of shit too