My next treasure hunt game is going the horribly brutal route. No saves, no potions, no healing. Just hang on and hope for the best. Should be fun!
There are tons of games out there. And games where the story is of utmost importance should have the option to enter invulnerable mode or easy mode or something so that if you love the story but lack the skills to finish it, you can at least get through it all. (Baldur's Gate did this nicely -- just turn down difficulty a lot if you get in a pickle [note for non-native speakers: "get in a pickle" is an idiom meaning "Get into trouble that you can't find your way out of")
Most games have great saving features these days. And I love them for that. But sometimes you want a game that is a big challenge (like the timed jumps in Bit.Trip Runner). If you don't start the whole level over, then you're missing out on the entire difficulty of the game.
tinyE: Anyone here ever make what they think is a brilliant Quicksave right before the big stunt/jump only to realize you hit the button a nanosecond too late and now every time you reload you just see your character dying?
I did that in something a year or two ago. I can't remember what it was, but I remember that I played about .3 seconds of the game for about fifteen minutes until I found just the right combination of moves to get out of the jam.