theslitherydeee: People code themselves to act a certain way in a certain environment. I believe the internet and the real world are environments far enough apart that the way people act and behave in one doesn't transfer over to the other.
monkeydelarge: I believe that people are themselves on the internet but in real life, a lot of people put on a mask because they aren't hiding behind a username anymore. And in real life, people feel more vulnerable. They are not in the safety of their home and they are more open to judgement because in person, they are revealing more of themselves. And also when you are face to face with people, you are in an environment that allows you to have more empathy for others around you.
pimpmonkey2382: Don't worry about rep and you'll live a happier life.
monkeydelarge: A pimpmonkey post that doesn't relate to beer and sex. What is the world coming to?!?
And I've been going up like a tent. lol