The character I've finished the Baldur's Gate series with most times is a Chaotic Good Elf Thief and, because of this, I've always identified strongly with the hooded Elf Thief paperdoll and avatar from the original Baldur's Gate (to the point where I use a mod to replace the paperdolls in BG2 with those from BG1).
I don't have a screenshot right now (at work) but those who've played the game know what I mean. I tend to make him with dark hair, pale skin, dressed in browns and/or blacks and equipped with a shortbow and shortsword, with my imagination filling in the details. I've never been able to find a portrait that completely fits the image in my head.
Edit: I think this is one of the strengths of the Infinity Engine's graphics: the avatars (of the PC, NPC's and monsters alike) are like boardgame miniatures -- detailed enough to look good on the screen, and lacking enough detail to allow your imagination to fill in the details and make them seem much cooler than they are. You'll never be bothered by weird-looking faces, strange hair styles or bad facial animations because all of that stuff happens in your head :-)
Post edited July 11, 2011 by Lorfean