Posted February 03, 2013
I know there are alot of WD fans here, they may not be aware of this game, here is the review (8/10)
Assault's only real issues are the occasionally inept AI of group members and some aspects of the control scheme. More often than not, your group will be bunched together, but during fights one or two of them can stand out of range and idle - a particular problem with melee characters and 'Shotgun' Shane. This can be fixed by moving characters individually, but it's a fiddly business during a massive ruck. Switching between melee weapons and guns can be done individually or as a group, and I found the way this is tied to the same icon a little cumbersome at times; perhaps it's just sausage fingers, but Assault often seems to misread my intentions here.
That said, Assault is a smart and sometimes fraught blend of running and gunning with the highest production values. What's most impressive is that this isn't a genre piece with a licensed skin over the top, but a game that works themes from the series into its mechanics - albeit at times rather loosely - and combines this with a wonderful take on the art style. Being a fan helps, of course, but The Walking Dead: Assault is surely good enough to win its own converts
Assault's only real issues are the occasionally inept AI of group members and some aspects of the control scheme. More often than not, your group will be bunched together, but during fights one or two of them can stand out of range and idle - a particular problem with melee characters and 'Shotgun' Shane. This can be fixed by moving characters individually, but it's a fiddly business during a massive ruck. Switching between melee weapons and guns can be done individually or as a group, and I found the way this is tied to the same icon a little cumbersome at times; perhaps it's just sausage fingers, but Assault often seems to misread my intentions here.
That said, Assault is a smart and sometimes fraught blend of running and gunning with the highest production values. What's most impressive is that this isn't a genre piece with a licensed skin over the top, but a game that works themes from the series into its mechanics - albeit at times rather loosely - and combines this with a wonderful take on the art style. Being a fan helps, of course, but The Walking Dead: Assault is surely good enough to win its own converts