Lone3wolf: There's a VAST difference between negotiating a peace between 2 or more peoples, and exterminating 1 of those peoples off the face of the Earth.
But then....*some* people should know that. amirite? :rolleyes:
Demut: Again with the straw man arguments? Say, are you that much of a scumbag or are you just pretty shitty when it comes to text apprehension? Where exactly did BlazeKING (to whom you replied in this matter) say anything about exterminating anyone in his post?
uhhh? what's wrong with your reading comprehension? It's pretty self-evident for ANYONE with more than 2 brain cells....which kind of rules out all you "Truthers" and "Conspiracy Theorists", wot? :rolleyes:
I'll spell it out in simple words for you reading impaired types.
No strawman, except from you with your logical fallacies here - HE said in
http://www.gog.com/en/forum/general/the_truth_about_9_11/post374 "The US is the strong arm of the New World Order, out to pacify the middle east"
which is fairly easy to understand - HE thinks that the justifications for invading Iraq, et al, were due to "America" launching the attacks on itself, so they could then send in troops to conquer the Middle East (and given all the shit from "Truthers"), presumably for the oil reserves therein.
The ONLY way (borne out by at least the last 1,500 years of history in that region - YOU do KNOW about the history of that region, don't you?) the Middle East would allow that, would be over their dead bodies. Hence the "Extermination" and "genocide" references I made.
You know, the biggest FUBAR the UK made in that region, was ignoring T E Lawrence, over the American "suggestions"...HE knew what he was talking about. I'm fairly sure the Americans still don't have a clue.
Rather like your, and Slash's attempts here. (I'm still not sure Blazeking was entirely serious, but what the hey, better to jump all over such a poor taste suggestion, than let it take hold in some retard's febrile imagination and then have them start to act on it)...