QC: If I used it, I would go back in time roughly a year, and write a letter. It'd be dated, post marked, all of that, and made to deliver to my parents at a time several months ago, during one of the largest record Lottery numbers in the US. It would contain ticket numbers, post dates, time, so forth, to win the lottery. The reason why to only several months ago, is because if I do it sooner than that, I have little reason or incentive to be here in school, and while I'd be set for life, it would not be a very fulfilled life. So, better to let my parents have an easy life after struggling much of their own. It also means that my brother and his girlfriend will have finished their round of dickishness, and lost reason for my parents to give them an easy out for the rest of their lives. Once that's done, I study, practice, work, work my brain, sharpen my skill at fencing, and spend the 6 months making myself better before I return to the life I had a changed person.
I foresee plenty of new millonaries in a few days. :D
But the approach you have chosen is certainly meritorious. :)
Schnuff: going back in time, i would love to do that but there are too many problems.
The first one is that going back more than 200 years and you can't understand the language.
The next problem is that your body isn't fit for even common viruses back than or that you could cause a major plague with an simple virus that nowadays is harmless (look back to Americans colonization, more people were killed because of that than
during fights).
The last problem is that without protection you couldn't survive. (a foreigner was even more suspected at that time than someone
with a beard praying the good of al Qaida on the Time Square now).
Whats left? 200 years. 200 bloody years with a war at every corner.
So no going back to the past.
If possible i would chose the future, say 300 years from now.....but thats problematic too. Because if mankind didn't kill themselves you would be nothing more than an barbar not understanding anything.
So my only conclusion is that i would stay were i am and sand back an automatic recording device to 25.000 BC
What a pessimistic stance! :p
You could travel to Ancient Egypt. There, hippos were feared and respected. Set, the god of Chaos, was represented by a red hippo (close enough to your pink skin). Therefore, with a bit of luck, you could end worshiped as a divine incarnation. No problems with the language, the priests would interpret your holy words. ;)
mrbax: I would travel back to ancient Egypt and document the building of the Pyramids.
Please send my regards to Schnuff (check my previous reply in this post) if you see him there. ;)
Thespian*: Hope you're feeling better already, mate? ;)
chezybezy: Much thankyou! sorry i did not get notified about your reply! how rude gog does not like me!
Glad to hear that. And don't worry, mate, I've often suffered the quirkyness of the forum engine, too. :D
If you still wish to enter for Spinorial, please edit your original post with your response to the OP question. I'll probably close the GA tomorrow. ;)